Why improving your night’s should also include improving your day’s start?

Sweet potato with fresh blueberry “syrup” and ground flax seed topping.
An Uplifting Morning Meditation with Insight Timer App

Now onto the portion of improving my nights, sleep, and the tail end of it, which is greeted by my day. Let me rephrase that, the end of that is how I greet my day, not how my day greets me. I always have a choice as to how to frame any day I’m given.

During this fourth week of improving my sleep for this weeks practice. Using an app, the halo app, I have watched my data fluctuate between four nights, both during the week and this weekend. I noticed that my sleep dramatically improves on the weekend when my son is taken out of the picture to have a sleepover with grandma, and does not interrupt my nights sleep during the week. I will have to work on that, and figure out some kind of better routine for his sleep time routine, since it really affects me being across the hall for me..

Instead of having a bowl of buckwheat with blueberries and ground flaxseed, that my nutritionist recommended for me to get my digestive system going, parentheses my system internally is slower than the average person, having MS. Why would my insides be quick and my outside? Be slow? It makes sense.)
So I start my day with something warm, in a bowl, and a tea. It should have flaxseed and olive oil, drizzled on it.

This morning I tried to use something different that’s high in fiber, so I used a sweet potato. I love, sweet potatoes, and don’t even need any butter or sugar on them. They are perfect just the way they are. Why mess with Mother Nature.

I am also supposed to have blueberries every day, they are low in calories, and very high in antioxidants. I love blueberries, but I wanted to see what would happen when I microwaved this sweet potato with them on it. The result came out like a blueberry syrup. The only difference is that the syrup wasn’t sugary sweet like maple syrup is. It was blueberry and flavor and very fresh. Then I put flaxseed on top of it all and olive oil. It doesn’t take as nice a picture as a blueberry flowing with a blueberry river, and the olive oil, flattens it all out, but when I took my fork and mix it all up. It was absolutely delicious. I would definitely have this maybe every other morning. I have to say that I liked it just as much, if not more as the buckwheat cereal. Why buckwheat? I don’t eat oats. I am trying to stick to a more gluten-free diet, and unless the odds are certified gluten-free, then they are just not. Why should I even bother when I really like buckwheat. And sweet potatoes?

When I start the day off, eating right and totally clean, I feel pretty good for the rest of the day. There is no guilt weighing me down like extra baggage, and my insulin stays at a constant. Otherwise I am completely hungry in about an hour after I have a bar.

For the past two days, I have only had the leisure of having a ready-made snack to pop in my mouth at the gym halfway through my workout yesterday. I’ve been trying it for a couple of days now. It’s a go, macro bar, lemon flavor, and it’s only about 100 cal and gives me enough energy to get to the rest of my work out, which is my cardio.

Yesterday for the first time after having a really good night’s sleep, my heart rate was elevated to a really good, moderate level, not just light. My legs are able to support me now that I had my ankle surgery and couldn’t put my heel flat, but I didn’t really have a high enough heart rate to make myself happy. I know what I used to do when I was younger, and I really wanted to get it up over 140. Yesterday for the first time I did for a short while, and grabbed a picture at 139. It was totally more than that, I just couldn’t hold the phone to take the picture. Just believe me. Getting a good nights sleep is going to affect your energy level for the next day.

As you can see from my posts, I’m pretty into data. I believe in science and the possibilities of using that science to make me the best person that I can be. Not just guessing through life, but having a tried-and-true practice and conservation of energy, and focused effort. That’s why I’m doing this 13 virtues project that seemed tried and true for not just Benjamin Franklin, but for many after him.
So I sit here starting my day after my good night sleep in my meditation, corner, and space that I can safely dictate this blog post without waking anybody up, and I see that it’s not all about just sleep, but how you start your day.

It’s just as important to set the stage for the day with what you put in your mouth to nourish your body, and what you put in your ears and eyes to nourish your mind.

My best sleep so far in three days. 70% score

My worst sleep in three days. 13%
A normal weeknights sleep is poor, but not the worst.
Got a much higher heart rate and push during cardio the next day.

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