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Migrating my blog posts wasn’t easy…

A few months ago, I set up my own blog online affer many.years. A place to call my own. A place to start my own community. I created it as a trial run on WordPress.org.  Over time, I realized that there were ads popping up all over the place. It was like I was catering for a party that was not my own by providing my own content, and then WordPress could do whatever they want. They were paying for me to have storage and a place for my blog to exist, with all the editing tools necessary. So it would stand to reason that they would need to financially support that if I weren’t paying for it.

I see that my own posts in social media (Instagram and Facebook) inspire a lot of people and I just wanted to bring it to a new home on the Internet, rather than exit fleetingly in social media.  My blog is also documenting my life and my son’s life Forever. Maybe someday he will look at it to see all the things that we did together and what was like to have MS and manage doing all the things that I do. Maybe someday he will peruse my blog posts.  Maybe not.  But at least I know that I have a place to get the thoughts in my head down.

The idea of having a WordPress blog wasn’t new to me, as I have done this for business before, and also myself on a variety of topics, including digital food photography . The tricky part was having had a blog that exists on WordPress and moving it over to a new website I opened up a domain name on Go Daddy.  I created a few pages but it was tricky to do it myself, so I needed somebody’s help.

I used the website Fivver.  I had use them before.  So I looked on fiverr for somebody that knew WordPress, and hopefully knew how to migrate an old blog to a new one. Bingo.  I found two people. One thing that you have to know about Fivver is that most of the professionals are not based in this country. So sometimes you will have to wait for a response. The person was in Bangladesh, and was pretty quick on the trigger in getting back to me.

These professionals are looking to build their portfolios. They are looking to do something for you for very little and hopefully you will like it enough that you will give a five star review and they can use the images from the job. I was more than happy to. After I gave her the passwords for my WordPress blog and my new website on GoDaddy, she did the job in under 10 minutes. Before this I was scratching my head with how it was going to get done. I thought that I lost all of the posts that I put on WordPress.

The last thing that I need to do now is to get all of the images to populate on this website so that it doesn’t look empty. It’s going to be a kind of hunt and peck job looking in the media library, but that’s not too much trouble. I’m not on a deadline. I’m thankful because I don’t get things done quickly anymore.  What’s the rush?  This isn’t for business.  This is my life.  I hope you enjoy my website and can share your thoughts with me. I hope to provide hope to people who don’t think that there is any hope in the world in managing a chronic illness and living a very fulfilling life. Especially as a mom! Talk to you soon. 

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