The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Wow. I roll up at 4:40 AM, with extra time because of my time management experiment in the previous post, and I don’t want to sit in the car just waiting, so I figured I’d write a blog post.

It’s pretty dark still in the parking lot, daylight savings time hasn’t kicked in yet, so the only light is the light from the storefront on my right Olympus in front of me and the planet fitness sign behind me. A couple of cars are in the parking lot, but I am waiting for them to open the doors.

With a couple of extra minutes in my pocket now, I figured I would write this blog post. The guy in the car next to me is looking over at me to figure out why I’m talking to myself I guess. Or who could I be on the phone with so early. Truth is, I’m voice dictating a blog post. I’ve figured out through experimentation since I started this blog that the best way to voice dictate is off-line, and in Google docs. I copy and paste this into WordPress, where I will publish this post later, I tried voice dictating into WordPress and doing my posts there but it didn’t work. There’s just a lot of experimentation that goes on in what I do, and I really like this talking into my phone right in front of the gym to make people wonder what the heck I’m doing.

When I am at the gym, floating from machine to machine, I am large and in charge. I feel pretty large and in charge right now knowing that I will post this later and maybe to help someone else anywhere in the world at any time of day. At the gym I can only serve to inspire so many people at one little pocket in the day. And we early birds are far and few between.

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