Motivation, Connection & The Power of Showing Up
Something really cool happened as my monthly women’s group breakfast at Panera got closer. Something woke up inside me—a spark of creativity and gratitude that made me stop and think. I put together this amazing group of women, and let me tell you, that’s no small feat. Sure, we all go to the same gym,…
Planning to Completion – Success!
It’s been two eeeks and a day since I started my 13 virtues self improvement project. First I decided that Planning was most important to me. Because I need to plan my life down to the smallest habit to plan for efficiency of energy usage and strength preservation, I’ve planned every thing I can think…
Benjamin Franklin Would Have Been a Blogger.
I happened upon Benjamin Franklin – an-American life, when I was looking for Benjamin Franklin‘s the 13 virtues. I had wanted to create my own set of virtues, updating it for current times, and for my own needs, and I found a biography about Benjamin Franklin on audible. When I started listening to the book,…