Mind Framing – It’s all in the mind. Make it good.

 I return to the gym on Monday and see another member who I know also has MS, and asked her if she had off today. It is a Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah, and I had off, too. She said no she didn’t because she had appointment after her appointment after her appointment after her appointment….

Aim High. You’re stronger than you thought you were.

 Let’s face it some days are just better than others. When it comes to energy, strength, nothing is ever predictable with a chronic illness like MS. One thing that keeps me motivated is keeping track of what I’ve done the last time I was at the gym, and and working around that number. For me,…


Writing – one of my biggest Empowerment Tools

I was thinking about what to write about for today’s blog post. I had a couple of thoughts in mind, one of them about my son and some behavior challenges that he is having, but then I thought about it more and how it relates to empowerment and I realize that his behavior challenges are…