Recipe – Airfryer Spinach Eggwhite Bites Non-Dairy

Spinach Cheese Eggwhite Bites – Non Dairy
Silicone Eggwhite bites mole from Amazon

This is a super easy recipe for making egg white bites in the air fryer. I guess you could make them in the oven in a muffin tin, in fact, I think that’s what I used to do before I had an air fryer. The air fryer is a lifesaver for me so I can’t actually remember what the temperature and time is, but I can tell you that for an air fryer, this recipe cooks at 360° for 12 minutes. That’s in my air fryer, so try that and adjust accordingly for your own air fryer.

I use a silicone mold that I bought from Amazon that fits six egg bites.

I use two per day, needing to eat two egg whites after my morning workout. I have to get protein in my body within a half an hour of finishing to get optimal protein absorption for muscle synthesis.

I have a box of egg white bites that I pour in the mold halfway up. Then I rip some spinach and put it on top. I sprinkle a little nondairy cheese, maybe like a quarter teaspoon. I throw it in the air fryer, and then I let it cool for five minutes before popping them out. One thing I should say, is that if you’re using a silicone mold, you should spray it down with some oil first. It will stick to the mold if you don’t. A little goes a long way.

I put two in a snack bag and have them ready for the morning. The rest I put in the Tupperware in the refrigerator. When I get home after the gym, I’m going to make another batch and put those in the freezer. I’ll defrost them overnight and just continue again.

Two egg white bites in my car ready for me after I work out goes a long way. It beat eating an egg white off of a hard boiled egg every day. I always just throw the yolk out. Except for deviled eggs and egg salad of course! Enjoy!

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