My secret plan when the gym is closed on Christmas
Merry Christmas. The gym is closed for a day. What’s a girl to do when early am is the only way and everyone is still asleep? Have a backup plan ready, that’s what.
Morning meditation has become a ritual for me at my dining room table, but right next to me in the kitchen (we had the wall dividing both rooms removed years ago during a major renovation; so I can take a full survey of both rooms and my space at any time.
Sometimes I try in my quiet space to just look at my surroundings and see how I could use them and make the most out of the space and could I make it more efficient to myself and less of a falling risk. In between my sink and stove there is a three foot distance built into the walkway so I knew I could use it at some point for one hand holding on walking. I’ve been doing this at the gym with one strut h in my halfway point during my workout about an hour in.
My counter could be used for push-ups. I planned out 5 sets of 20, with different hand grip variations, like wide grip and close grip, changing the angle at my chest for max muscle recruitment and bang for my workout buck.
I stuck in a set of squats in between my chest and triceps resting on push-ups. When all sets were finished, I went to the end of the counter and held in with one hand. I walked to the opposite end, trying to put the weight on my right leg and balance my way between both. When I don’t balance my way equally, I end up throwing my pelvis off and having pain in my SI, or sacroiliac joint.
That’s a little TMI but I just want you to realize how important it is to keep your weak balance between both feet as much as possible. I’m trying to train my muscles to support my body without the need for a brace. So as much as it is my desire to grow my muscles and look as bad ass, as I can, at the end of the day, I’d like to walk in the room on my own 2 feet. I would also like to drop one crutch next year. We will see if this happens. But I know that I have to include it in my training, so what better way than to do it when I train every day. I don’t want to be an unfamiliar thing to walk on both feet without crutches. I am unable to support myself without both and take a step, but I believe that I might be able to do without one. And not run a sprint, just to walk a few steps.
Mission accomplished today, I worked out pretty early in the day at home, without weights, and using my own body weight. Then I did cardio by mopping and light vacuuming. Oh, and cleaning my counters and sink, too. I looked it up and my fitness pal app and cleaning certainly does burn calories and exercise your heart. I did today. See you again tomorrow!