Mind Hacking Happiness – my Latest Game Changer

so I’m pretty addicted to listening to audiobooks at the gym, right? I’m always looking for new ways to develop my mind so that I can stay as positive as I can be. If there is a hack to make me better tomorrow, I’m going to try to learn every way to do it. Whether that’s with experimentation, breaking down my habits to the atomic habit, embracing minimalism and getting rid of the clutter in my space that makes it unmanageable for me. Whatever it is I want to improve. Always.

Mind hacking Happiness by Sean Webb – My latest Audible addiction

My latest read, mind hacking happiness, really takes the next step in looking at hacking your mind to not just create the environment you want, like I was learning in certain John Hargroves mind hacking, an awesome book, Just looking at mind hacking for a different reason.

What I love about listening to this author narrate his own book, is that Sean is very funny. I was laughing out loud when he was talking about why Eric Estrada was such a heartthrob. That was my error in the 80s growing up, it was just a reference that really made me laugh out loud. Because I did after all have a crush on Eric Estrada, enough about him.

What I love about this book or a couple of things. One is that it is backed up with scientific research, which is referenced throughout the book. Almost recent reference was on a Google talk on how these experts in mindfulness, even including monks, were sent into MRI machines to see the data from their brain and how it would react when different stimuli were introduced. One funny outcome of this research was when the experts were laughing at the person who was looking at the skullcap with the electrodes on the persons head and they were looking at the results and laughing. What they realized was that it wasn’t just the brain it was the heart connected to our emotions and our feelings.

It’s not just all about the mind and how you put things in perspective, but your heart is connected to all too.  And even without being scientists and having the specific education to know the science of it all, they laughed because they had the knowledge that the heart was connected. It’s just fascinating to me.

Here is the link to the YouTube video if you would like to see the Google talk referenced in this book. I really love that web tries to make his points and drive them home with proof. He saves me the time of looking up my own research. Hacking the mind to either get what you want or to make you happier is new to me.

One point that I completely agree with is that your own b******t is just that your own b******t. How you perceive someone upsetting you, is all on you. You have to learn how to manage your own perspective and that maybe someone just is not trying to annoy you or upset you, it’s just the way that person is wired. There are a lot of things that people do in this world that annoy me. If I took the energy to be upset at every one of them, it would take me a lot longer to navigate this world onto crutches then if I just look past it and went my own way. One of them most recently happened when somebody rudely asked me, “What is your affliction.”  I just asked “affliction? Is that what they call it nowadays? I call it MS.“

No hacking my mind to make my environment more conducive to productivity, and less danger to myself will certainly make me happy. And that decluttering that I am doing now, comes from Thee More of Less, by Joshua Becker.

The NY Times bestseller. “The atomic habit” really ties it all together, because on my quest to be happy and have the stuff that I want in my world where everything seems just a little challenging with mobility challenges and fatigue towards the end of the day, just drives at home.

But this book that I am totally absorbed in right now, mind hacking happiness is completely absorbing and I can’t wait for chapter 7. Stay tuned!

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