Atomic Habits Summary and Key Takeaways on Audiobook – Priceless

Since I’ve been recognizing the value of absorbing some best, selling self development books by listening to them, it’s hard to remember everything you’ve learned. Time just passes as I’m listening to great content. A lot of times with my eyes closed. I can’t say that learning this way is absorbing as well into my…

Thanksgiving – the Morning After…I overate but I’m grateful.

So here I am the morning after thanksgiving after. And usually I would be thinking with regret if how much I overate,!how I had planned on avoiding the carbs, how I fell apart when I had worked so hard at building a daily routine and a meal plan to space out my eating and control…

Why improving your night’s should also include improving your day’s start?

Now onto the portion of improving my nights, sleep, and the tail end of it, which is greeted by my day. Let me rephrase that, the end of that is how I greet my day, not how my day greets me. I always have a choice as to how to frame any day I’m given….