
What is your middle name? Does it carry any special meaning/significance? Victoria Elizabeth. Victoria = Victory. Strength. Resilience. Elizabeth = Grace. Wisdom. Faith. Put ‘em together? That’s power. That’s presence. That’s a reminder to show up every day and own who I am—challenges, wins, and everything in between.

Global Tastes, Local Love: My Night of Nations Experience

Walking into Calvary Temple’s Night of Nations was like being whisked away to the most inviting international airport you’ve ever seen. ‘Airport agents’ in adorable airline attire were our first sign that we were in for a global treat, setting a tone of whimsical adventure from the moment we stepped in. Leading this globe-trotting extravaganza…

Breaking the Amazon Habit: Intentional Shopping Over Impulse Buys

The Midnight Cart Rule: How I Budget and Shop Smart on AmazonBudgeting by Moonlight: My Lean Amazon Cart Philosophy

Write about your approach to budgeting. In the world of online shopping, where the “Buy Now” button practically begs to be clicked, I’ve learned a thing or two about self-control and smart budgeting. My approach? Minimalist and intentional. Unlike those overflowing digital carts you hear about, my Amazon cart rarely holds more than a couple…

Chasing Giants: My Quest for the Elusive Aquarium and its Majestic Hippos

Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting. Growing up near Brighton Beach, with childhood memories of my mom working at the New York Aquarium in Brooklyn, I’ve always had a fondness for aquatic life. However, despite living in New Jersey, I have yet to visit the…