Rip It Up and Stand Up for Your Rights!

Standing up for my rights is something dear to my heart, because I know that it is needed for other people who might not have a voice. Being mobility impaired makes it a little difficult to navigate a gym with a lot of equipment. Even though machines make sense if you have knowledge of what to do with them, you have to carve a path between things to make it efficient and enjoyable.
Recently my gym has undergone renovations. They are doing minor improvements, like changing paint and ripping out wallpaper, moving machines to give more space, and I will say that the place is definitely improving. However there has been some inconveniences that might seem minor to some.
There is a huge crime scene tape that is placed between a walkway and machines on the path to both the men’s and women’s locker room. The bathroom is something I would think is necessary to every woman in the place. This yellow tape was placed blocking it from every point except the ends. Now you could not walk through a machine and the one next to it, even if nobody was occupying the machines.
To me it was not right, it was limiting my space and my ability to navigate. I need to conserve all of my energy for lifting weights and cardio, and I had asked what the purpose of it was, and was told it was for renovation. I was told by a couple of staff members that it was going to be taken down soon but they had no idea win.

Well I had an idea win. Today I just walked up to it, and ripped it right down. It landed on the floor where I began to brush it towards the other end with my crutchA member came up to me and The pile of yellow ribbon, grabbed it and threw it in the garbage.
If I had not asked and had an idea of when it would happen, I would’ve not ripped it down myself. If you are not damaging property, hurting anybody or being a danger to yourself, take matters into your own hands. Stand up for your rights!