A gym rat’s dream is the day after Christmas!

So today I encountered what was a gym rats dream, a quite empty gym. I would say truthfully they were about as many people as were fingers on one hand. As the time progressed to 7 o’clock, which is the two hour mark after I get to the gym at five, there were maybe 10 people. I know that not everybody has difficulties like I do, mobility issues, cognitive issues, whatever they may be. But I do know that I can count on people when I go to be there for not just me but for everyone else. It is a completely motivating environment because of these people. It is a true community. I can’t wait to see how empty the gym is the rest of the week, which is the last week of 2022. Next week when we go into 2023, and people are starting their resolutions, I’m sure that it’s gradually going to creep up. Or maybe it will just be all of a sudden where everybody decides that they need to accomplish their New Year’s resolutions in the first week of the year. Maybe it will be crowded. Maybe it won’t be. But I do know that this week is going to be a dream. It was today. See you tomorrow!