Grouo Breakfast Success for 2023 – Ladies who Lift

I am grateful that a few months ago, on a whim, I asked women at my gym during my daily workout routine if they would like to join a group for a monthly breakfast I was starting. It wasn’t even like I was asking if they’d be interested and I was seeing if there was enough interest. I had set an intention and I was starting a group of ladies who would have breakfast together and be able to communicate off the gym floor.
Few people would stop to talk and have a conversation. There was very little social element at the gym and I wanted more of that.
The ladies I would see everyday were happy to share their cell numbers with me so I could send them an invite.
I had my eye on Panera bread, very local to Planet Fitness. We started with four ladies. Next time it was double and kept increasing. Friends would bring friends.
Yesterday was our largest group yet and there were a few who couldn’t make it. All in all, about 20 women have come to our breakfasts.
Yesterday was a fantastic group get together. I spoke about gratitude snd how it’s changed my life for the better in 2023. Everyone was sharing a little about themselves and it was my dream come to reality.
It still amazes me that the girl with the crutches and some difficulty walking was able to pull this all off. I have to hand it to the planning tool Evite, which I had used for event marketing before in a previous life as a marketer. If I didn’t have this experience I would have been scrambling trying to make group text work. Group texts are frustrating to get one common message across. I just wish there were a better way of communicating with everyone instead of just one message coming to me when someone RSVPs. But I’m completely happy to have this free tool to use that I knew about already.
I look forward to next months Valentines Day breakfast. I already got rsvps back and I’m planning on another gift exchange because it went so well for the holiday. The Ladies Who Lift rock and I am grateful for my grouo that motivates me and each other. Set an intention and believe that anything is possible.