Here’s why I’m holding off on my new blog for now.

Taking a rest after technical support call.

I started blogging again after much time off in August, and I used as my preferred platform for getting started. I could’ve also blogged on blogger, but since I had experience with WordPress before, I thought this was the best way to go.
I wanted to blog about my life and what keeps me motivated and getting myself started every day early in the morning to head to the gym. I would ask myself what makes me different than anyone else? I didn’t really think I had any special jeans, I just thought that I was very lucky to have motivation, but didn’t really know where that came from. I thought that if I would blog, the answer would magically appear somehow. And with that, I wanted to help other people, with chronic disabilities, like myself having MS.

I consider myself very lucky to be a mom, and maybe one day I’ll go into that in the trouble I had in order to have him not only so late in life, at the age of 42, but also having MS and being on a disease modifying drug to slow the progression and keep me alive and active as long as possible, and in good working order.

When I was still working, before I became a mom, I would take courses to always improve myself. I learned photography and one of the places that really got me interested was CreativeLive. They were all kinds of interesting courses for creative people, and I had taken part of a course and never finished it.

When I was looking for a course on how to become a better blogger, this course came up at the top, and I had already started it. I decided I would finish it.
The courses with April Bowles Olin, entitled build a successful, creative blog. I have been taking this course, which was pre-recorded, actually when I took it a few years ago. To think that now I am a mom and watching this blows me away. The workbook for the course was so good and the resources to, that I knew someday I would come back to it. Well, that day has come
And now I am using the course to rebrand myself, and put my blog back on my own website, where it needs to be, not on WordPress, which is doing nothing for myself, except get a few subscribers, and a few likes. Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful for my audience here on WordPress, but I need to have my own home. It’s like I am a solo musician, playing in a train station for whoever happens to come by.
I got up to the part about finding a place that would host your website and finding a developer to work with you. If you could not find a WordPress plug-in that could do the job. I didn’t realize until I called Go Daddy, which is the service that I chose because they have a lot of WordPress experience, that it was going to be so much work.
One of the real challenges would be to migrate over all of the posts that I have been creating almost every day since August to my new website. I was having such trouble getting a headache on the first day that I decided to let it rest until I could call the next morning when it is a better time to hopefully get a person to speak to. It was so confusing to talk to this person who is walking me through the whole backend of the Contant management system and getting to files that I just gave up. I decided to build a site from the ground up. It didn’t seem so difficult, but I just wouldn’t be able to do it now.
I figured the best option for now would be to still continue to blog on WordPress until my website is ready to go live and I’m ready to have my stage sent for people to come over to my new “show.“ I say that because I used to be a jazz vocalist, and everything that I used to blog about, was in relation to improvising, and being able to be flexible, or not getting a second chance to make a first impression when you have a show. so once I have the scene set, I will invite people over to my website. For now I will just grab domain names, including That name really speaks to me, and I’ve already started building the name up on WordPress.

I wanted to do this project before the end of the year so that I could go fresh into the new year with a new website and a new place to call my own. During this seventh virtue that I chose for this week, learning, it is a great way for me to start. I just have to remember to not get overwhelmed because things aren’t going to actually go as planned. You just have to take a step back and look at it and see if it was really possible to happen in such a short time. It’s taking me months to develop my own voice, and to develop my blog, and a routine with how to get those blogs to happen, how could I ever expect to just take a course, not even finish it, and expect to have my website up and running. It’s kind of like inviting a person over to your house when you didn’t even clean up and tell them you’re sorry for the place being such a mess. Don’t ever invite someone over if you have to apologize. Wait until it’s ready because you’ll never get a second chance to make that first impression.
I’m pretty proud of myself and feel empowered that I took action before the class was even over to jump on an idea about grabbing your domain name, and starting your own website. Grabbing the domain name was the easy part, not so easy to just get a website up and running. But why would I think it would be? It wasn’t easy to get this blog up and running so getting a whole new routine and pages in place is going to take some time to. But I want to take my time and do it right, not rush it. Kind of like savor it like a fine wine. That saying would’ve worked at one point when I drink, but you get the picture.

I was going to put this post off and till I got my website up and running, but why should I? It’s probably going to take me at least until the new year to do that. Until then, I will still be doing things, always getting myself involved in things that I can learn, and become better, And reach out and hopefully connect with someone whose life I may have changed in some small way. I just want to serve, that’s all. I am happy to serve, and share some valuable information in any way I can, with or without a new website. I hope you feel the same about me.

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