Week 3 – Completion. 13 Virtues Self-Improvement Project

Completing with Finishing Touches is the name of the game
Tacking the final box of clothes

Over the past couple weeks, I have been focusing on planning organization. My top priority is planning, as I have to do that for pretty much everything in my life first before anything else will follow. Because the organization project was next on my list, they were just always seem to be loose ends after everything that I do. Because I tackle a lot of things, I can’t physically move stuff like I would like, so I save it for a rainy day, so to speak. Well, here is that rainy day. a very rainy day, because hurricane Nicole is bringing a lot of moisture with it up from Florida to the north east. What better day than today then to focus on my commitment to finishing my project. Namely, my organization project for my bedroom, so that I could gain access to my clothes again and not have to dig through piles.

All in all I did a pretty good job, as it was a huge project having to move furniture. Of course, there are still things left over, especially my husband‘s stuff, who was pretty much evicted from his dresser. I packed up half of his stuff, and he did the rest. Looking back I don’t see any other way that I could’ve done it, especially with a deadline.

I am able to get to my clothes first thing in the morning, and choose what I want to wear, which is fantastic. I am unbelievably happy that the planning of this went without a hitch. The only thing that remains is completing the project. And that includes any project that I tackle. There’s always some box left over with stuff. Just hanging around waiting to do something with it. For this virtual this week I want to improve how I finish my project. So there is no leftover Lucy basket hanging around anywhere.

First, I tackled the big box of clothes that was left over and I know it would be left over for like a month at least. So I dug in that box, folded stuff and send it out a bit, I didn’t get rid of anything, but put things in a bag that I know he has not worn in a while, and in the spring if nothing has been said i can revisit what action should be taken.

No, I went to a mobile storage unit, which has various supplies like construction paper, and scissors and pencils, all the nonsense that you don’t know what to do with. Overtime this just became a catchall for a lot of things that never amount to anything.  I used the opportunity today to tackle this mobile unit with a towering pile of papers on top. Papers which I really didn’t need, but didn’t feel like putting where they belong, so it was just easy to stick on top of this. I was horrified to look at it as I passed by it every day and ate dinner, facing it every night,  I didn’t really take a picture of it before, so I will just share a picture of it now. It is very neat with nothing next to it.  It also has been minimized with notebooks that didn’t really need to be saved or little tchotchkes as I call them.   I filled a big garbage bag of stuff and got it all ready for garbage pick up tomorrow.

Next I tackled my procrastination counter, which always has papers that build up. Again, I was horrified, so did not want to take a photo. I will take one after it is complete, still haven’t finish this today.

Having mobility issues, and not wanting to be a falling risk, I need to make sure that I could hold on at every step of the way. I have hardwood floors and can’t afford to be caught alone when tackling a project like this. It’s not like I can use my mind to move things. I have to get bags move stuff, so I’d have to say that I am pretty proud of myself for stayng safe while doing this all.

For me, it is a learning experience to see what I am capable of, and when I plan to much for myself to do. I have learned that I only give myself one hour of time maximum before taking a break, especially when it involves physical movement getting up and staying on my feet. Today I handled three different rooms, tomorrow I will tackle a couple of more rooms with just some things that need to be completed, but never have been, like nailing a picture up on the wall that has been sitting on my floor for months, and things like that. Nothing that is a major hurry, just unfinished tasks that are always in my view. This week I will work on completion.

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