On Tackling Clutter and Rearranging – Room One and Done

I have waited all summer for September 6. The day when my son would go back to school and start second grade.  We’ve done fun things this summer, but without structure, my son is just not his best. I will leave it at that. I could not wait until September 6.

Tackling Clutter – Board Games and wireless Printer Station

I’m pretty sure that my clutter is not the worst in the world, but for me without the time to manage my environment, it has gotten out of control. When I would have A short period of time like a half an hour this summer, I would start projects and then they would remain there for a day a week. My counter project where I started still has not completed because I have a box of wires and assorted accoutrements for digital media that I need to relocate or just get rid of, but that’s on hold. Right now I’m focusing on my multipurpose dining room.

Not only was I waiting for my son to thrive in the school environment again, but I was waiting for the time I needed to declutter and rearrange my home environment. The clutter is just getting too much for me, both visually and physically. It feels like I have no control when things are just in my way and I have to move them to get past or if I have to dig in a pile of stuff to find what I want, to only find that was the wrong pile.

I say multipurpose because this room has a flat surface that I can sit and put a pad on or an iPad on to get my thoughts down and to take care of business, it’s also a place where we can play games together and just do some crafts, and eat together as a family at night.

This room has different sections where I can keep games, craft stuff and stationery, and my Rollator to use as a handy moving tool. I don’t use it for walking anymore, and hope I never have to again, but it is there for me. Right now it is a fantastic tool to get things moved from room to room. And mom is on a mission.

Rollator and handy mover tucked way in a corner.

First step was to get rid of the games that my son just does not play with anymore, like Monopoly Junior, because he plays regular monopoly now. Scrabble Junior because he plays regular scrabble now. These games were just taking up space and I’m going to take them to a local secondhand children’s Consignment store this week, after I collect more stuff. Oh and I’ve got stuff.

Then I took the piece of furniture that all the games were in and I moved it more central to the kitchen which is really center to my living space. I put the wireless printer and photo printer on it and plugged it into the outlet after cleaning the cables up. I’m waiting for my power strip with a 10 foot cord so that I don’t need to see the wires jumbled up like they are. But that’s very very temporary. Amazon will deliver tomorrow. (It arrived and I’m writing this later in the day. The extension cord on the new power strip makes all the difference.!!now I’m waiting for the cord cover on the wall, but I am satisfied now, and Rome wasn’t built in a day.)

The plugs move on over closer to where I need them. One step at a time.
Tacking Clutter – Stationery has to wait patiently

I also took the cabinet on wheels that holds stationery and craft supplies. I will work to take care of this project later. At least it’s out-of-the-way for now.

The project took about a little over an hour. I was amazed at how I could do it myself, moving furniture taking things where they belong, I felt pretty independent. I will have to say that I couldn’t do it without the use of furniture sliders. I can’t recommend them enough when moving heavy things. Having a mess falling is always a risk for me, so I’ve learned to lean myself up against stuff and push, using my body weight like a ninja.  Hey I guess I’m a ninja mom to huh?

All this would not have been possible without The More of less, and MindHacking. I’ve been exercising my mind every day and just focusing and concentrating on what I want my world to look like. And last night it made me so empowered to tackle this project. Not just cleaning stuff up, but moving it myself, and moving furniture to boot. Now onto the next project…

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