Group Breakfast Success

Ladies Who Lift – One Awesome Group!

 After weeks of planning today it finally happened. My group, ladies who lived, met for breakfast at Panera.  The gym opens on the weekend at 7 AM, so I thought on to our start would be good for all of us.  Weekends are tough for me because I get up and it’s daylight, and I’m used to getting up in darkness the whole week. It throws me off and I’m hungry at seven, when I’m usually drinking my protein shake and planning for my breakfast.  But this was the one day this month that I was truly looking forward to.

I am very fortunate to go to the gym so many people who are dedicated like myself. Keeps me motivated and getting better every day. It is the true path to embetterment for me, and I get to Blog and get my thoughts out for you here. The double win.

When I got to Panera and walked to the counter, the woman behind the counter said she had a letter for me. It had Vickie on it.

Yesterday I scoped it out and was told that the back tables would be a good place to put it together to have a group, and that Saturday’s was empty anyway. Sure enough, the back tables had reserved signs on them. I was so touched that they went through the trouble.

One by one they came. A total of seven of us. It was almost twice as many as last month. Every day I would just collect more mobile numbers from other women that I knew might be interested in joining us, we had just never spoken before. It gave me great opportunity to speak to people that I wish I had, but I was just always too into my work out to do.

Luckily I am not shy, even with two orange crutches and being pretty tall. There’s no missing me when I come your way.

We introduced ourselves a little bit more, and I just wish that we had a better way to limit our time. We didn’t want to stop listening to each other, and not everybody got to introduce themselves. I’ll work on that next time.

When I got home, I posted social media for us, even connected us in Facebook and Instagram. Two of the ladies found out that they had sons both on Little League in our town! How would we have ever known.

When I got home I created a group text texting all the ladies, and encouraging them to share their names so we could each collect the phone numbers of our special group members. I feel like we are a special group and have each other‘s backs now. If somebody needs to give someone a call because something happened at the gym, or for any reason. It’s just another awesome benefit.

I created a duplicate event, which copied all the information including guests from this event and created a new one for the second Tuesday of next month. It was easy to just send out the invitation to all the same people including one that I had added. This was the woman who left me a note to say that she hadn’t received the invitation. And that was on me having her number wrong in my contacts. I had a 1 instead of a 2, which she wrote in the note. My bad but not next month!

Btw three RSVPs came in within a couple of hours as Yes! I hope they can make enough room for us…:)

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