Mind Hacking in My SUV with Hammond

Today is a little late, about 12:00 PM, but not at my usual time right after the gym in the car. I didn’t have the chance today. I had to get my mom some breakfast and I did from Starbucks. So love me a drive through and was able to get the whole family some stuff. And I had to put off the blog post until later. And I didn’t know when I would get it done, but I have a moment here when Sean’s not in the car with me and my mom.
So what I wanted to talk about in today’s post was how I’ve been also working on refining my processes. Like everything that I do, I’m trying to really stay focused and learn how to be the most efficient possible, whether it’s walking through exercises at the gym, or even figuring out when the best time to do a blog post is and how to do the blog post, whether I should voice memo it like I am now and then send it to be transcribed like with a service like Rev.com. And it seems to be working for me. But I have to say that it’s going to be costly over the long haul. So I might have to figure out a way to tidy that up.
But the way that I’ve been really refining my processes is to invest in my brain and really listen to audio books that I would never have a chance to sit down and read, whether it’s because I’m home and sitting on my couch and distracted by the clutter and by my son. I really can’t wait until he goes back to school next week. Then I know that things will change for me. I have been reading a book lately about mind hacking by Sir John Hammond. I’ll check that out later to make sure. But it’s a book about how to hack your mind and reprogram it to have positive thoughts and positive energy and imagine what can be possible. And the thoughts that you can bring to your mind can become a reality in your own world. Thoughts come to life. And I realize that now. And it’s not just exercising to make my muscles strong and strengthen my bones, but I also need to exercise my mind.
Now, my mom is a big puzzler. So she loves to do puzzles and keep her brain active that way. But in the long run, I don’t do puzzles in real life. So I need to make sure that what I’m doing is very functional. That’s just who I am. So I want to really learn what I can about the processes that I’m doing, about the way that I’m thinking, about how I’m journaling and writing stuff out, and really kind of approach it like a project manager to make sure that I’m not missing any steps in the process to get better tomorrow. That’s my goal is to be a little bit better than I was the day before and be empowered. So it’s been empowering me to read these books, to listen to these books. I don’t even have to give my eyeballs up for. Just have to give my ears.
And because I’m stuck on a hand bike, or an upper body orgometer at the gym for 20 minutes, I force myself to stay there and just crank some extra mileage on my 100 mile monthly goal. I listen to an audio book instead of crank out to heavy metal. I just find that it relaxes me to become a better person and learn how to do something a little bit better than yesterday. I’m reading mind hacking now, and I’m fascinated by it. The last book I was reading was on decluttering and really making that a habit of just getting rid of all the clutter in your life to free your mind. And then the one before that was on habits. And I’ll talk about that in another post.
But the focus of today’s was really looking at the big picture and breaking down my processes. So I’ll give you an example you can do yourself. Take a paper and write down everything that you’re doing throughout your day. When you get up. Mine was 3:45 AM I got up. Then I rolled into the bathroom. Took me 15 minutes to take my shower and get dressed. Then I go out and I get my stuff to take downstairs. It’s every little thing you don’t look at till you see it in front of you on paper. It just makes it real. And then I see where the whole thing breaks is when my son gets up and then my day’s pretty much done. So it’s why I have to work out early in the morning before anybody is up. And it’s no fault of mind. It’s just reality. It’s how I get things done and make it happen.
So I’m going to end this blog post now because I am so happy that I was able to sit here in a car when my son went inside a Home Depot to get a new plant for his praying mantis and put him in a new habitat. So first and foremost, I’m a mom. But second of all, I’m just a person trying to always get better at what I do and make my life easier. Because with a chronic illness you never know what tomorrow’s going to be like. Today I’m good. I’m sitting in a hot car because the air conditioning went off. I’m not running the engine. So you never know what’s going to happen tomorrow. You never know what’s going to happen even in an hour, when you’ll be having optimal energy to have your mind working and your body working with you not against you. So with that I wrap up and thanks for