Flow Writing and How I Plan

When I found out about the 13 virtues projecting , I was excited to find a self development project that I could tweak to be my own and also one that was full of variety in working on my values, switching to a new one I had predefined as important to me. I started the year off with fitness as I was planning for my new fitness goals for 2023.
Because my fitness goals are not as important to me to work on or improve because I have planned them already, I am switching the order of the virtues I will work on every week around a little. It. Right now my planning virtue is most important to me so I can get my podcast launched and record my episodes in a systematic manner. I need flow most importantly because the idea to podcast again and getting my space set up again in a minimal area has to be most important right now. The fitness plan is already there.
I have no problem getting up at 3 anymore and know I have to get to bed between 8:30 and 9 every night. Now I have to get my planning and recording process and all the tools I do that with ready to go every day.
I know that the planning is the hard work I have to put in now for me to now have to soon my wheels later. Planning will make my life easier without me having to guess what I’m supposed to do next to make something happen. It will also be easy for me to produce content and churn it out.
My mind is a waterfall with never ending ideas. Ur without a plan it will seem sloppy like brain vomit, snd whi really is interested in an unpolished product when there’s so much competition for eyeballs and ears.
I consider myself very lucky and grateful that I’ve done this before when I used to have my own YouTube channel and podcast.
The tools might have changed a little like the streaming services and how the podcast gets out to the different platforms, but the content I share and process for creating it is evergreen. My brain processes are still the same and always wil be. My brain is not getting rewired or upgraded anytime soon.
So planning is going to be started every morning with 10 minutes of flow writing just like this. And I will capture all of my ideas I have to take action on in Evernote. Now I have to get it down to work voicelessly bwith Alexa and definitely Siri. Then I’ll definitely be a hacker of my productivity!