How I Write When My Fingers Don’t Want to Listen

YouTube Video: How I Write When My Fingers Don’t Want to Listen

Hey, Vickie here. Just wanted to do a quick little recording for you today on something that’s important to me. Writing and I don’t always get to write because sometimes my hands don’t want to cooperate.
I’m a righty and on my right finger my right hand my ring finger on my pinky finger are kind of in a bent position, so it’s a little a little tough for me to have a pen to paper and hold it for a long time. So pen and paper don’t really work for me all the time.
I have a very short amount of time that I can write and I just like to do some flow writing in the morning for 10 minutes. It really gets my brain working. It gets my thoughts out there so that I can kind of make sense of all that’s up in my brain.
So I I’ve come up with ideas for things. One of them was a podcast . I just you know was just writing and it just connected the dots and made me realize that I need to do that again.
And no matter where you write, I’m right right now I’m recording in front of my house near a beautiful cherry tree and I wouldn’t get to to do that unless I was sitting here talking to you and focused on the words that are coming from my lips. It’s important to get those words out and record them so that you can keep them for the future.
I use voice recorder. It’s something that I guess a reporter would use to do on an interview. And it works great for me because there’s a little transcribe option so when I say it I can record it and then I can get the words in a transcription.
I used to use and they have an app and it allowed me to do transcription for a dollar a page. It’s how I actually wrote a book because I wouldn’t be able to sit there and write it. I just need a little help getting the words down and recording it and recording the words for the future. And if you can’t write you still can write you just have to have the right tools to do it so YouTube is wonderful.
After I record this I’m going to go actually pull up the subtitles in the YouTube Studio manager and I’m going to pull up the subtitles. Gonna let YouTube do the transcription for me and then I’m gonna get all the words and put them up on my blog. After I edit out all of my ums and errs.
So anyway,I hope that this taught you something good that you can have for you to use because you know not everybody can write. But writing is important so how do you do it when you can write. And if you have any questions just give me a shout out. Love to hear from you. Bye!

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