Turning 50 and starting my year right.

So it happened.  I turned 50 On January 19, 2023.  It was a birthday I had been waiting for as I had envisioned me posting a photo of me with the hashtag #thisis50.  got more than one photo, and I even got to go to Broadway. My husband took us to see The Book of Mormon. It was fantastic and I hadn’t been to Broadway since Covid.

The Book of Mormon for my Birthday

There’s just something about a live performance. The show was pretty raunchy, but it was funny as hell. I really enjoyed it. And even more I enjoyed the experience of being able to go to the theater again. We did wear our masks as nobody was wearing them during the performance. But we were in the back row anyway in the handicap accessible seat so I didn’t feel unsafe. People were wearing the masks more when they commuted to the bathroom or through the theater, but not during the performance. I kept mine on during the whole thing and I felt much better.

In the daytime, I had lunch with my friend Stefanie and Jen. They are really good friends and I had no idea that they were going to bring me birthday presents. Stefanie got me an infinity necklace which I still continue to wear every day since she gave it to me. It has the infinity symbol and means infinity possibilities.  Jen got me a Nautica orange purse to match my crutches. It is so cute, I just haven’t had a chance to wear it yet. It is nice to have friends that think of you . I really enjoyed our lunch together.

I did get my #ThisIs50Photo.  I am very grateful to go to the gym before the sun comes up every morning and to wrap up by 7 AM when the sun is just coming up. I is some thing that not many people get to see during their day.

What also happened this year was that I started blogging and moved over my blog from WordPress to my own website. I am now hosting my own website on Go Daddy And have a dashboard for by WordPress blog there as well. It was a little confusing in the beginning and I needed to hire somebody to export all of my blog posts from my WordPress website But it’s getting pretty routine now.

The problem this week was that I started a project in creating my own documentary. It became such a hassle because I didn’t like the way that the girl created it with just text flying on the screen, so I wanted to narrate it. There were so many photos and videos of everything over 50 years that it was hard to decide which ones to use. Let alone narrate everything.

There were five decades that I had to narrate and make sure that I included all of the video and photo memories for. I had to go looking back into some old photo albums on the dusty shelf in the office with Mike works. That is the office that used to be my office in the back of my house. It’s a little tough to get access to it because he’s working, but I managed to do it. The past couple of weeks I have really been tied up and haven’t had a chance to post anything on my blog. Now I’m happy to get back into my routine.

I have started again on insight timer with my gratitude meditation in the morning. It really helps to frame the rest of your day when you start off right thinking in a positive way I am just waiting for the person that I commissioned to create my documentary off of Fiverr to give me a first go ahead with it so that I can see what’s missing or what I really like about it. It’s been a lifelong process to make all of the content for a video, so why would I think it would be easy. I just didn’t realize how much time it would suck a wave from me doing my blog and things that really matter to me now. It should be done by the end of the month. I can’t wait to share it. 

Opening up the year, I started by Benjamin Franklin 13 virtues project once again. I feel comfortable enough that if Sean were on the floor he would pretty much be clean. That’s the way I like to keep my house. So I’m just working on keeping my floor as clean as possible. Everything else will follow. That’s what I’m working on this week. Leave a comment below. Love to hear from you!

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