Trick or Treat! Or is it? My two cents…

Me and the kiddo at Hauntoween 2022
Trunk or treat candy land!

 Can’t be can be a treat. But when you’re a little kid and candy is being shoved into your Halloween, trick-or-treat basket handover fist, at this point, it becomes overload 

Sure, I used to love Halloween as a kid, I pretty much had to do it yourself costumes, money wasn’t readily available when I was growing up, and one year, I was even a Martian, wearing a snowsuit with a rip in it telling people that I had a rough landing. It was a costume and I still got candy in return for showing my costume.

I remember a few years ago, there was a family who came to my house when people were coming to houses before the pandemic, and they didn’t even have any costumes on. They just had regular clothes, and no basket. They just stood there looking at us blindly like OK. What do we do to get the candy? It’s like wearing a costume is the prerequisite for getting candy. Halloween is a silly costume, and it can be fun. For some.

The candy has really become an issue with me, and I avoid it like the plague. I don’t even want in my house, and I don’t want my son to be grabbing it like a free-for-all so I have to keep it up high on a shelf. When I hear the chair dragging over to the cabinet, I know that he found the Motherload. Now I’m asking myself why am I even keeping a mother load in the house. Does he really need that much candy? Never.

The chewy ones are the worst because they get stuck in your teeth and do damage. The skittles, the starburst, even the gummy worms, although less sticky. And the sour gummy’s, will they can’t be sour enough.

Even with all the sugar and corn syrup, if you look on the ingredients, the colorings, and just the other junk that added in with it makes it impossible to pronounce

Talking to my son’s dentist about candy, she said chocolate is the best one. She says it melts and goes off the teeth with rinsing. The other stuff just hangs around and does damage.

When I see my son, sucking on a lollipop, I think of all the sugar damage that’s being done to his teeth, and then he was crunching it like crazy yesterday and pieces of candy, was sticking to his face, reminding me of all the damage being done.

As soon as I got home, and he was out of the room, I loaded the bounty that he had gotten from Hauntoween, a fun event for kids down in Holmdel, New Jersey,  and we walked away with cases of potato chips that they had too much of, and couldn’t get rid of. It was insane amount of goodies. Or baddies Whatever you wanna call them.  The potato chips are headed to a tailgate party at a Jets game today. The lollipops headed right into the garbage, and I saved the chewy stuff for the kids who might come to our house for Halloween. I really wasn’t even going to buy anything because nobody came last year and a couple only came the year before.

I had to look up the history of Halloween to see where this madness came from. To think that sugar is such a celebration on this day. I found a documentary from National Geographic on YouTube that I need to share with you. To think that candy was used as extortion in the 1930s so that homeowners wouldn’t get tricked if they gave them candy. Check it out.

Stay safe and eat everything in moderation, especially candy. I avoid it, but if you can’t choose the chocolate. And save your teeth!

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