Physical Fitness – my 9th virtue to add to my Self-Improvement Plan
I am naming physical fitness as my 9tth virtue to strengthen and improve upon. There is always room for improvement to improve as a person, why not the way I approach exercise to improve my overall physical strength, endurance (both cardio and muscular endurance), cardiovascular health, muscle development, fat loss and appearance. As a personal…
Atomic Habits Summary and Key Takeaways on Audiobook – Priceless
Since I’ve been recognizing the value of absorbing some best, selling self development books by listening to them, it’s hard to remember everything you’ve learned. Time just passes as I’m listening to great content. A lot of times with my eyes closed. I can’t say that learning this way is absorbing as well into my…
The latest addition to my meditation corner
So what’s the big deal about? My latest addition is a vinyl lettering project that I just completed yesterday. I love this saying, “have it is what keeps you going. Motivation is what gets you started.”I was looking for something that I could put on my wall beside just a picture. And because this is…
Three Great Self-Help/Development Audiobooks
I am addicted to learning. When it comes to reading, I can’t say that I’m addicted to that process, because usually my eyeballs are busy with something else. But I can lend you my ears for a few while I’m doing some exercises or some menial tasks like cleaning.I started reading audiobooks again, a few…

Motivation, Connection & The Power of Showing Up
Something really cool happened as my monthly women’s group breakfast at Panera got closer. Something woke up inside me—a spark of creativity and gratitude that made me stop and think. I put together this amazing group of women, and let me tell you, that’s no small feat. Sure, we all go to the same gym,…