Losing Weight with MS: The Struggle, the Reality, and the Plan Forward

Losing Weight with MS: The Struggle, the Reality, and the Plan Forward

Losing weight with multiple sclerosis (MS) is no easy feat—especially when mobility challenges limit physical activity. I’ve been on this journey before. A couple of years ago, I was at my peak in terms of physical activity. I had a robotic leg brace, but at eight pounds, it was more of a hindrance than a…

Navigating obstacles

Navigating Obstacles: My Journey Around a Blocked Handicapped Spot

Hey everyone, I’ve got a bit of a story to tell from my recent trip to Ramapo Plaza, and it’s one that started with a bit of an upset. You all know how I love my morning sessions at Planet Fitness, right? Well, this time things didn’t kick off as smoothly as usual. So there…

Motivational rocks

Motivation, Connection & The Power of Showing Up

Something really cool happened as my monthly women’s group breakfast at Panera got closer. Something woke up inside me—a spark of creativity and gratitude that made me stop and think. I put together this amazing group of women, and let me tell you, that’s no small feat. Sure, we all go to the same gym,…