27 Blogging, Podcasting, YouTube – Manifesting for Real!

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13777509-27-from-blogging-to-podcasting-to-youtube-and-beyond-manifesting-for-real.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13777509&player=small Transcript: Podcast Description: Stepping into the world of podcasting and blogging has been an exciting and rewarding journey for me. With the help of platforms like Buzzsprout and YouTube, I’ve been able to share my thoughts, experiences, and learnings, and I’m thrilled to take you along with me as I navigate this transition and…

16 Unlocking Your Dream Life: The Power of Visualization and Manifestation

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13237235-16-unlocking-your-dream-life-the-power-of-visualization-and-manifestation.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13237235&player=small Welcome to a special episode of Vickie’s podcast, where she invites you to join her on a beautiful deck bathed in fresh open air. Despite the lively sounds of a Saturday morning, Vickie’s gratitude fills the atmosphere as she shares her profound insights. Today, she dives deep into the power of visualization, a key…