Navigating obstacles

Navigating Obstacles: My Journey Around a Blocked Handicapped Spot

Hey everyone,

I’ve got a bit of a story to tell from my recent trip to Ramapo Plaza, and it’s one that started with a bit of an upset. You all know how I love my morning sessions at Planet Fitness, right? Well, this time things didn’t kick off as smoothly as usual.

So there I was, ready for my workout, and what do I find? My regular handicapped parking spot was blocked off with road cones and a metal plate. Honestly, it was more than a little upsetting. I mean, why block a spot that’s meant for accessibility?

I later found out from a friend that it was for a soil sampling project. They chose the ground right under the handicapped spot, of all places. Talk about adding frustration to my day!

This whole thing reminded me of the time I had to fight for better access at Planet Fitness. Back then, I got our mayor involved. But this time, I decided to handle it myself. I reached out to the folks at Mountain Development Corp, who manage the plaza, and let them know what was up.

To my surprise, they got back to me super quickly and were pretty understanding. They promised to sort out the parking situation. This experience really showed me the power of speaking up and taking action.

Looking back on it, I feel good about how I handled the situation. It wasn’t just about getting to the gym; it was about making sure places are accessible for everyone who needs them.

I hope my little parking spot saga inspires you to speak up when things aren’t quite right. A little effort can make a big difference in our daily lives.

Thanks for reading, and let’s keep pushing for the accessibility we all need and deserve!

Catch you later,


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