My New Inspiration Meditation Corner – Now Complete!

Over the past few weeks, I have been trying to figure out the best way to start my day. I have backed out of my driveway at 4:15 AM to park and Blog in my car before heading off to the gym seven minutes away. I have even driven straight to the gym, blocked in my car and then went into the gym. I never really started my day off with meditation, but I would get into the gym, and sort of zone out on the Cybex machine, while doing cardio, burning, calories, and listening to an e-book. It’s a moment of silence in my day, but I never really focused in word, and got
While listening to e-books and going in word is great, I never really had a place or time in my day to focus on meditation for myself. I need to quiet my mind more. Just the fact that I get up so early in the morning to start, my day is amazing to me. It is very empowering when I see that not many people choose to start. There’s this way. But it’s the only choice I have, when the rest of my day is filled with errands, stuff I need to take care of with the house, and just general life. With a mess. I also tend to Peter out later in the day. It’s just a fact it doesn’t seem like there’s much I can do about it, but it has definitely gotten better since I have been exercising every day, at least for two hours a day, and eating, right.
Even though I can type with my thumbs on my iPhone, it’s definitely not as quick as I could voice dictate to some app recording what I’m saying. I tried Google docs, but it always seem to lag and make me laugh when it garbled up what I was saying to say something completely unrelated. Then I would have to take an extra step to go back backspace And type what I wanted anyway. It interrupted my flow of thought, and even though it was a good way to journal my life and figure out the big picture, what empowered me about what I had done, and what someone else could do in my situation with a chronic illness to make themselves better. That’s what I wanted to do but if I couldn’t get it right with the whole process, I wouldn’t be an efficient machine cranking out really helpful Contentnthat could change your life.
Couple of books, I had read on mindfulness and happiness mentioned the need for a corner in your house that would be quiet in your place to meditate and dream of possibilities. I had a kitchen counter, and I had some notebooks, that I never really knew where to go to when I was looking for what I have written. I always wanted to go digital, but I never really completed that project, but now that I am working on completion as a virtual for this week, I am completing a lot of things.
There is a great worker who writes about the subject of mindfulness and happiness, in his book, entitled “mind, hacking happiness, “Sean web talks about his floating, take that he had purchased because he tried it somewhere. It’s a floating tank. That must be incredible to experience. Maybe I will find a spot someday that has one. First I have to figure out if I can get in and out of it safely. But that’s another subject. And besides, could I really have room for this in my home? Not.
So I looked for a remote location, and I found one. I am in the most north east corner away from civilization, facing one blue wall, and one yellow wall, it’s a pretty cool spot. And I am talking into my phone. It is not even 4:30 AM. And nobody can hear me because everybody is on the other side of the house or downstairs. I am totally safe and won’t wake anybody up. Somebody might get up when I go down the stairs but usually they go back to sleep.
So I found a spot where I can easily dictate my notes into a journal. This becomes my blog.
The night before I go to sleep I have been taking photos of what I wanted to share the next day, like the ones here in this post, and a general post title. Now all I have to do is just pop in to the idea and share my thoughts, freely, openly, and honestly. from my recent group breakfast, where I had created motivation rocks and giving them to pretty inspiring ladies, who shared what motivates them, and just some great company, I had some extra rocks that I created in case somebody should come and not have RSVPd
I’m glad I created and saved extra, because they look pretty amazing and give me just a Motivation that I need to want to write every day.
After I drop my son off at school a little before nine. I will come back and have more time to do meditation. Yesterday, I used the insight Timer app which is a free meditation app. I highly recommend. You can meditate on your own, with various bells, customized intervals, or just random, and it’s amazing how much activity the mind has when you don’t even think about it. It’s very hard to come to mind, and I am still practicing every day. The more control I have of my mind, the more control I have of my emotions. When my emotions and anxiety get too much, it affects me physically. That’s why doing this is so important for my physical well-being. and even though I burned my hand getting my tea out of the hot water maker, next time, I will figure out a better way to safely get tea from the unit to my destination here in the corner. Not a big deal and super excited to have finished the post, and I’m ready for the gym. See you later!

Motivation rocks I painted – extras I will keep!