My New Creative Space is a Dream a Come True!

I am thrilled to have my own space for creating art. Over the past few weeks I have really been redefining spaces in my house, most recently my meditation corner where I practice a morning gratitude ritual.
It’s usually in that morning ritual that I’m thinking of something I’m grateful for or someone and it will inspire me to create a gratitude or motivation rock: I’m telling you, gratitude really rocks. It has such profound impact on my life and gives me a new appreciation for things and also people that I might never been so thankful for.
My most recent gratitude rock project was for a friend that inspires me to keep moving and pushing hard at the gym where I am every morning. I had made his son the gratitude rock eith flowing gold in a previous post. I wanted to make this one special and try to push my boundaries of what was possible. I had only written a word or eel on block lettering. R fire so I looked up the copy I wanted to see if there was anything that would inspire me. Bingo. Found it and I copied it over with my new delt rock painting oens.
Putting it all together I already had the raw elements, the paint, brushes, rocks. You name it. The only problem was that everything was scattered across my kitchen. It’s only when I can get to something easily can I make something happen. That’s why cooking just fell apart for me. I tried, I really did. I just couldn’t get the right space for all those elements and I definitely didn’t have the leg time either without pain. Maybe someday I will but for now I enjoy sitting on a chair with wheels at my counter scooting around to where I need to me. Especially if I have clear sealant or modge podgr; on my fingers.
If I didn’t have this new space that made it easier for me to grab what I needed right where I was working, it never would have happened. I am very thankful for my new space and look forward to seeing what else I create every day. Maybe it will be more than just rocks, who knows.
Tomorrow I move on to my next virtue: Learning.