My Best Sunrise Photo Ever – Taken in an Airplane!

Sunrise from 30,000 feet in the air.
The sunrise photo that comes in a close second.

Today on our trip to Florida, I caught sight of a pretty red sky at the very bottom of a lot of darkness.  I hadn’t even thought of the idea of capturing sunrise on plane.  I thought I was obsessed with capturing the right objects on the forefront and making sure the shot was framed with the timer setting at 3 seconds for no camera shake.  But this is the first time in my 50 years on this planet to be above the clouds that I watch from below in a very small area.  Above the clouds it’s like a colored blanket laid before you that keeps changing colors as the sunrises.  I was focused on the sun rising in a very small area that was a little behind my row 21.  But the beauty that I did capture was not out of view, it was the giant left wing right in front of me.  No bird, airplane or anything else flying by when the sun rose in my camera frame could compare.

I was thinking where I could capture the sunrise on the ground down in the keys where we are headed, but I didn’t even think that this would be one of my favorite sunrises I’ve ever captured, with no fancy photography setting or a remote shutter.  Not even a heavy tripod and DSLR, which I did take of course for when the opportunity calls for it on the ground.  I did wipe the plane window off like cleaning my camera lens.  I used the napkin they gave me when I ordered hot water from the flight attendant when she rolled by with the cart.  Never know when you might need a napkin.

I continued to take shots on my phone just watching as the timer kept counting down from 3.  I didn’t have to hit the shutter release, just hold it up ay the right angle.  The sun rose exactly where the exhaust was on the wing.  I kept having to move it and try again because it was so close it got covered up a few times.

Such a great photography excursion and I hadn’t even planned for it.  And I really learned the the best camera is the one you’ve got with you.

And now that Fly Fi opened up, this will be my first blog post in the air.  2023 has been a pretty cool so far, and so has 50.  And the sun will always rise another day.

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