20 Vacay Vibes: How I Survived the Scorching Sun and Polka Dot Outbreaks

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13417222-20-vacay-vibes-how-i-survived-the-scorching-sun-and-polka-dot-outbreaks.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13417222&player=small Podcast Description: Ever had a vacation take an unexpected turn? In our latest episode, I recount a recent personal experience where adverse medication reaction transformed my holiday into something quite different. This unexpected journey highlighted the importance of listening to your body and being adaptable. You’ll hear how I transitioned from being unable to…

19 Unlocking the Power of Manifestation – Turning Dreams Into Reality

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13357523-19-unlocking-the-power-of-manifestation-turning-dreams-into-reality.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13357523&player=small Podcast Description What if you could turn your dreams into reality? What would you do if you could unlock the power to manifest your deepest desires? We’ve got the keys to the kingdom in this episode! Our close-knit Ladies Who Live group shares valuable wisdom and personal experiences, revealing that we’re all in this…

18 Creating the Life You Want Through the Lens of Visualization

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13357331-18-creating-the-life-you-want-through-the-lens-of-visualization.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13357331&player=small Podcast Description: Imagine having the power to remodel your life, shape your dreams, and bring them into reality. Sounds intriguing? This is precisely what I have for you in today’s show where I will share how visualization, a potent tool, can help in manifesting your dream life. From sharing my personal experiences to guiding…

17 Tribe Vibes: Energize and Be You!

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13270354-17-tribe-vibes-energize-and-be-you.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13270354&player=small Podcast Description: Are you hungry to find your tribe, but not sure how to do it? We’ve got your back! This episode is a goldmine of practical tips and meaningful insights on how to attract your tribe through the power of energy and authenticity. We explore how your vibe serenely acts as a magnet…

100 Affirmations to rock your world

Affirmation definition: An affirmation is a positive statement or declaration that is often used to challenge and overcome negative or self-limiting beliefs. It is a tool commonly employed in self-help and personal development practices. Affirmations are intended to shift one’s mindset and promote a more optimistic and empowered perspective. By repeating affirmations regularly, individuals aim…

16 Unlocking Your Dream Life: The Power of Visualization and Manifestation

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13237235-16-unlocking-your-dream-life-the-power-of-visualization-and-manifestation.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13237235&player=small Welcome to a special episode of Vickie’s podcast, where she invites you to join her on a beautiful deck bathed in fresh open air. Despite the lively sounds of a Saturday morning, Vickie’s gratitude fills the atmosphere as she shares her profound insights. Today, she dives deep into the power of visualization, a key…

14 Manifestation Magic: A Journey Empowered.

Description: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13165710-14-manifestation-magic-a-journey-empowered.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13165710&player=small Did you ever wonder how your life would be if it was just how you dreamed it to be? Wonder no more! Join me as I recount my personal journey of manifesting my dream life, despite living with Multiple Sclerosis, and how you can do it too. Listen to my daily practices of…