Flow writing and what it taught me.

Flow writing with Sarah Blondin on Insight timer

I have been doing to Insight Timer Healthy Habits Challenge every day for the first month of the year.

Leach say I have been learning about a new skill to add to my daily mindfulness routine.  I’m not adding all of them, I’m just learning about new ways to invest in my mindfulness.  I can then r evaluate if what I’m doing is enough or if I should substitute something new.

Writing is something that is important to me.  That’s why I have a blog and why I now have my own domain name with no ads served on WordPress.

I have tried dictating my blog posts in darkness in my car before the gym and then having them transcribed.  I’ve been dictating them into the voice recorded app and then transcribing them in the app for free,

Today I took a writing promot and spent ten minutes aactually writing oen to paper.  I can see as my hand and arm get tired because of my arm weakened by MS.  I just kept going but maybe a little slower.

It reminded me of playing with a Ouija Board where you’re not sure where the mover is going to take you. I didn’t know where my thoughts were going to take me, or my words on the page. It ended up going back to an old memory of playing the piano, and my thoughts about perfectionism. It really surprised me and I will definitely do it regularly. And actually writing the words on the page.

Writing prompt:

I  don’t remember.

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have a mess. It comes in bits and pieces like the generic thoughts, the big things like playing the piano and junior high school. But not how my fingers could glide over the keys with these. Not how I would have relative ease in playing, but the songs I could play, and grandma and grandpa would be so happy to hear “Begin the beguine,” from their youth.  No one was critical of me for not playing the correct fingerrings.  . I could have played with one finger just poking out of tune. I’m always so hard on myself by trying to be the best I can be. If I had more time and energy to work on stuff, maybe I could win an award. But is the reward really worth the effort if people can’t get to share the beauty you create?

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