Completion Week – My Documentary is almost ready.

On this fifth week of my 13 virtues project, completion is my virtue to improve and get better at.  Last week I completed cleanliness cleaning virtuous areas in my home that needed rid to my up to get rid of dust.  Dust is my mortal enemy as I’m always struggling to get rise of sonic congestion and bad sinus headaches.  So cleanliness is pretty important, but this week it’s time to move on to completion.

I started this documentary project in January at the start of the year.  I thought it would be complete by my birthday on the 19th.  The expert on Fiverr that I commissioned it with moved up my due date to the 31st.

When she did the first version of the documentary I realized at text flew across the screen that she got from the wordage on my blog, this was going to be a way bigger project than I thought.

After going through each decade finding photos and videos and even sometimes documents, I realized this was a mammoth undertaking, but I didn’t want to give up.  I wanted to see this documentary through to completion.  It was the only time I would ever create my own story over 50 years.  Once I did it I would never have to go back because history doesn’t change itself.  It’s done.

I think the trickiest part was creating these audio files which I just recorded on my iPhone.  Without knowing if I had photos or video for what Inwas saying I just spoke from my heart and said what I did, is find it later.

I wanted to create this video for my son so he would know my real story from my own heart. Now one that was commissioned by my drug company or my hospital, which is slanted to show the benefit that they provide.  My son will already know I try my best to keep as active as possible and to keep him active as possible too.   Most importantly, never give up and finish what you start.  I can’t wait for the final edit which should come tomorrow after two revisions.

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