Change is Inevitable – Use it to Your Advantage
The only thing that never changes is that the universe is in a constant state of change.
It’s a great quote, I know not from where it came, but it is certainly something to live by. There is not a day that goes by that there is not some change in my life. Down to the littlest thing.
Having MS, there are all kinds of symptoms that ebb and flow like muscle weakness, spasticity or fatigue, for me I found a way to fight this is to learn as much as I can about exercise and MS. Whether it’s learning about exercises and how they affect the body, or nutrition and how it affects information, there is always something to learn and always something you can do to get stronger.
The human body is pretty amazing. It can do all sorts of functions to keep you alive. And even other functions that make other little humans. But we’re not going to talk about that right now.
Whether it’s your mind, or your body, every day is a new day. You might have to bundle up a little more because of the cold, or takeoff some layers to cool off, but your mind can gauge how hot or cold it is, and know how to dress appropriately, and with a little research you can find out how to get stronger. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, they were physical therapists and personal trainers who can certainly help.
My point is that we are always going through change. Whether it is our body, or just the world itself. And you can sit down and feel sorry for yourself and be unhappy, or you can make a conscious decision to see what you can do to get better and be happy. Change will never stop. My MS would progress a lot faster if I was not on my IV infusion Ocrevus. Considering how far we’ve come in research, it is always changing for the better.
So I focus on how I’m going to use change to get better, and every day is different. But the more you change, the more you embrace it.
I prefer to kick it’s ass and stay for the long-haul. In the best mental and physical shape of my life. At least today I am just a little bit better than yesterday.