Exciting News About My New Book: “Gratitude Journal – A 90-Day Guide”

Exciting News About My New Book: Gratitude Journal! Hello, everyone! I’m thrilled to be here sharing some exciting news that’s been a long time coming. After nearly a decade, I’m back as an author with a brand-new book that has just hit the virtual shelves of Amazon, thanks to the magic of Kindle Direct Publishing…


23 Gratitude and Manifestation: Tools to Help You Win Against Life’s Toughest Challenges.

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2192221/13591167-gratitude-and-manifestation-tools-to-help-you-win-against-life-s-toughest-challenges.js?container_id=buzzsprout-player-13591167&player=small Podcast Description: From personal trainer to motivational speaker, I’ve  been on quite a journey of transformation, marked with the trials of battling MS and illuminating victories in the gym.    I’m eager to share the power of Manifestation Magic in my upcoming workshop, a workshop designed to unlock the immense potential within you. A…

What my physical therapist said on dealing with a patient with chronic illness.

Transcript: So I just finished my physical therapy here at Wayne Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Wayne, New Jersey and I had a really interesting conversation today, and I’m recording this on my video because I don’t want to forget the details. It was a really interesting conversation with my physical therapist, Nick DiSomma. I’ve been…


Want to Know What Exercises I do for my MS?

I belong to this Facebook group  called Ocrevus MS support and information.  I really like it because I see a lot of people on there asking questions about Ocrevus.  I’m talking to other people who are on Ocrevus like myself. I sometimes post a photo with something to inspire them and share how Ocrevus is…