If you can’t eat the gingerbread house, destroy it with a sledgehammer!

Destroying a first place winning gingerbread house
Destroying a first place winning gingerbread house

In my previous post, If you can’t eat the gingerbread house, eat the cake,” my son was pretty upset when he couldn’t eat the gingerbread house, so I just let him make a cake and decorate it so that he could eat. I did not realize that he was also upset to not be able to save the gingerbread house when we took it home from Townhall.

This poor kid made a gingerbread house with a theme of destruction. He created a snownado, which is a rare tornado that is made of snow.  This snownado was going to attack Santa’s workshop where Santa’s elves were busy making gifts. The elves were blocking the detached door to save the presents inside. It was a great house that had a fantastic story.  Even the north pole sign ((which we created with a little sign on a rock candy lollipop) was being sucked up inside the snownado.

It was chaos at its finest and it would stand to reason that Sean should destroy it, as well. It was his house and I was happy to let him have that. A seven-year-old looks for as much control as he can have in his world. So if you tell him he can’t eat the gingerbread house and you make him something that he can decorate and eat, like I did before, that worked. So if he wanted to destroy it too, there was no problem with me.

I just needed to capture it on photo and video so he could appreciate it at some point in the future. And also maybe some people would be inspired on my blog to just have a controlled chaos kind of situation that they can do with their own kid. The only thing I had to worry about was that it wasn’t going to be something too messy that I would have to clean up.

With my crutches, I can’t really hold a broom and picking up stuff and bending is pretty hard for me,too. Luckily my mom was there . We had put down a disposable dollar tree tablecloth so clean up was pretty easy.

And any extras were just swept over the side. There was no need to wonder what the deer in our backyard were eating this morning. I bet they never tasted a gingerbread house before. That icing must’ve been great to them. 

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, we were watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV, and were wrapped up in the excitement.  We wouldn’t really be able to see the destruction Sean created anyway, so waiting until the daytime was the better plan. I think Sean deserved to be able to have a little control. He had a blast and a once in a lifetime experience destroying first place winning gingerbread house.  What do you think?

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