New Exercise Routine Plan for 2023

Rough sketch of gym floor plan

It doesn’t look like much but this is a rough sketch of the gym floor plan that I took in 2022. I just wanted to get an idea of where the gym equipment was laid out, so that I could plan my path across the gym floor as quickly and efficiently as possible, based on what my routine would be for that day. I wanted to divide up the split in my body parts differently than 2022.

This is what it’s going to look like for 2023.

Monday Chest And shoulders.

Tuesday Legs

Wednesday Back and rear delts.

Thursday Legs.

Friday Shoulders and triceps.

Saturday Arms and week leftover stuff.

Sunday. Free day.

So I have a different split and I also have less reps and more weight.

The next part of my workout routine is going to be cardio. I missed a whole week and I feel like that means the mileage too. So I’m not going to be going back later to just make up for the mileage because it’s not really worth my time. Next month I will try again with all of the days in my week and weeks in my month.

Screenshot of my daily cardio log

To summarize, I’m looking for a goal of 50 miles a month, and a different split, with I also want to do it with an approach of “magic nine.” I’m looking for three exercises per body part, with a goal of getting to 8 to 10 repetitions per exercise. If I find that the weight was too little, I will increase it so that my max is going to be no more than 10, but I’m looking for eight. This goes for upper body and lower as well, I’m looking for nine exercises per workout, with three exercises of 3 to 8 to 10 repetitions for each body part. I look forward to seeing how this goes. It’s subject to change at any time and should stay fluids so that I can get the most benefit out of my exercise routine.

If I just kept it static forever I would never improve. So I’m going to see how I feel as they go along, I’m going to see if I’m challenging myself enough, and I’m also going to see if there’s enough rest for me in between to heal. Looking forward to it!

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