Starting up my own website for Learning Week – Full Steam Ahead.

I serve to inspire…but I need to build a better website for my blog!

I am a lifelong learner. Learning is not a tough thing for me to plug into because if I could find a way to make myself better, you can, but I’m gonna find a way.

Sometimes I enjoy learning those things that just make you feel good. I was always creative, but I needed to find a way to be better at creating these painted rocks that become gifts for people who are special to me and motivate me. I called him. Kindness, rocks, or motivational rocks. Depending on the need.

Last week was spent working on my creativity, not just spending a week, painting rocks, but figuring out the whole process and the big picture of you of how I could make painting easier for me to do more of it and to do it better. After this post, because of my very efficient space, I’m going to paint seven or eight rocks that are waiting for a group breakfast tomorrow . The ladies who lift is a passion project of mine, where I formed a group of inspirational women who I see at the gym, who wanted to be a part of it. I can’t believe that tomorrow there will be 14 of us. It started with just for close friends Who I know, 5 AM. My early crew. Now it’s 14 women who come at different times because they all heard of it. That’s a pretty amazing thing. So now I’m going to give rocks to women who were not there when I give out motivation, rocks, that I handcrafted. You can see the previous post on this, but now because the group is wrong, I just want to spread the love even more. So I will finish up my painting to make sure that it’s sealed and dried and ready for tomorrow morning. I can’t wait.

OK I got a little off-topic there, back to learning. What I started to do last week was take a course on CreativeLive on creative blogging, that I took before, when it was offered, live for free, but after all these years, I thought I was just purchase it because I never finished the whole thing.

Just one of the many slides Blacksburg Belle shares in her Blogging course on Creative Live.

I have been watching segments on the arc trainer for cardio last week, and got up to the part where she is instructing people on how to get your own domain and start your blog up on Go Daddy. When I was in marketing, and had my own consulting firm, say wow marketing, I had opened up an account with a user name that is special to me. I wanted the same username, but because it was associated with my old email, I couldn’t change my password to get in. The site would keep sending a reset link to my old email that was no longer functioning. Growing frustrated, I opened up a chat, and hoped that somebody would get back to me. I don’t know where these people were, but they obviously weren’t waiting at a desk for my chat to open, so by the time somebody got back to me, I had already left the chat. So it was a back-and-forth a couple of times to try to get somebody and I never got somewhere. So that’s what I will be doing right now. I will be getting my website started, and taking my WordPress blog that you are seeing right now on WordPress, onto my own domain.

So two things I need to do today or get my domain name and then to start my blog on my own domain site. All of this great contest that I’m creating for people to see is just lost on the Internet. If somebody wanted to reach out to me it would be pretty difficult because I don’t really have a location set up. It is time to completely brand my own website again. So because of this learning that I wanted to tap into, as a virtue as part of my 13 virtues project, I am already getting ready for 2023 with a new website, and hosted Blog. I am very excited.

Because this is learning week, what I want to investigate are all the ways that I can learn. I am interested in looking at the big picture of things so that I can make sure my processes are efficient, and can get the information into my brain as quickly as possible so that I can apply it.

I am still getting through the CreativeLive course, and not that it is not a good format, it is just not the format for me at this point in my life because it’s not the quickest way for me to learn a new subject. Or to brush up on an old one like I am doing with this, and blogging. There’s a lot of time spent on banter, the live experience where people are having questions answered whether it’s from the live audience or people are checking online to see what people are saying in the chat room, and it is just distracting for me when I’m trying to get to the point. I need a more effective way like, maybe an online course that was already created, without a lot of wasted time, where I was listening to banter. I am not saying anything bad about CreativeLive, believe me, I think it is a valuable outlet. It is where I learned a lot about food photography and just being a better photographer. There are also other courses that I took that inspired me, but I just think that a ready-made course would be better if I needed to learn something.

I also think that checking out other websites to answer questions that I might have might be a way to go. YouTube videos might be good. Right now I want to focus on my website this week, and get it the best that I can do it because then it will be running on its own into 2023.

I have never done a project like this myself without help, so I am going to be relying on Go Daddy to help me do the whole thing. I’m pretty exciting, but it is a little scary. I will admit. Nothing I can’t handle though. I believe I can do it, and I am inspired to inspire others. Just look at the rocks that I put in front of me as I do my work here this morning on my laptop.

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