Creating Gratitude rocks with Meaning really Rocks!

Now that I have cleaned up a designated space for me to be creative, I’ve been devoting more time to not just painting rocks usually with motivational words or sayings, but I’ve been wanting to add some more meaning and personalization to my rock projects. I found the perfect opportunity to try something out first hand and really stretch my limits out of my comfort zone.
I’ve never considered myself a visual artist. Being able to paint something that I copy or envision. And drawing something that I envision looks like a stick figure or something pretty indecipherable. So I never thought of even drawing on a rock. Even though it’s a pretty small space, I’ve seen some elaborate works of art painted on rocks and even very intricate mandalas which I hope someday to delve into.
A friend helped my mom on anstalling. FUcet when the plumber she hired to do the job bailed on her when the faucet was too big for the sink. He was going to come back when she got the faucet but he never did and now my mom was stuck with a faucet overshooting the new sink to a very wet floor.
My friend’s son, also a friend, is studying to be a plumber by trade at a local college. I thought this would be a relatively simple project and he was happy to come over. His dad and he helped to get it in working order in no time and I was grateful for them coming over on a Sunday, on their way to hockey practice and never looked at the clock to see if they were running late. He really took care of my mom, in turn taking care of me and looking out.
His selfless action inspired me to create. I was so thankful I wanted to create not just a kindness rock that Ives been painting over the last few months for friends. But more of a good luck charm with more personal meaning.
I looked up an image of a cartoon faucet as this was the simplest thing I could try to recreate on this rock. This would be just one element. On the bottom I would write you rock!
What I wanted to give him was a good luck charm, not just a kindness or gratitude rock, so I draw flowing gold out of the faucet with good energy he could carry with him wherever he went with his car. I want a very successful career for him so we shall see what magic this can bring him. I’m a strong believer in feng shai and surrounding yourself with positive energy. It has amazing effects.
So now I am apparently an artist, on a very small scale but big enough for me. I can add some more meaning to my projects and show my gratitude in more meaningful memorable ways. For this I am even more grateful. Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving. Surround yourself with positive people and you’ll be grateful for a lifetime. This one is definitely going in my gratitude journal.