I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date.

 Well I’m not actually. It’s not a performance that I need to be at to do a show including a sound check. It’s just a time that I have in my day when it’s Zen like. Parked in my driveway facing a spot of trees on my property nobody’s there except me talking into my iPhone, dictating another blog post about my journey and being empowered.

Are usually wake up before my alarm goes off. My alarm is my iPhone, set to no sound, so it vibrates on my nightstand. I try to beat it every day like a game, and I’ve been quite successful. Except when weekend comes and the gym opens two hours later.

The two hours later always throws me off. More sunlight, it’s like I’m a vampire. I can’t wait till the fall when we roll back the clocks and there’s even more sunlight to throw me off. My rhythm has been working so well for me, I’ve even started this blog and reading books, well audiobooks.

So when I got up early before my alarm I put my phone back a little too close to my gym clothes, waiting for me the next day. Today.

My clothes muffled the vibration, and I missed my alarm. So here I sit at 7 o’clock in my driveway, still dedicated to getting my thoughts out every day and what I’ve done and learned. I will say that the first book I’ve read, the atomic habit, has really changed my life in the way that I look at all the processes I do. I try to refine everything I do down to the second, whether it’s putting on a sock, or putting both pants legs on before my shoes, or getting my teeth brushed before I stand up sitting on the toilet where I get dressed and start my day every day. I just can’t stand and put on my clothes anymore and brush my teeth and do the things I used to do. So I have to find my processes. It sounds stupid but it’s just how I have to live my life and do the things that I want. Especially the gym. So today I will have to be a few minutes late, but I learned from this whole fiasco this morning that I can’t put my phone back on the nightstand if I have it in my hand to just check the time like the game I play every day. I will put it under my pillow from now on.

Despite shave a few minutes of my workout, but I got my post done. Because I was able to drill down everything I was doing and slow motion, carrying garbage is at various touch points on my path down to the garage, where I load the garbage in my car, back up down the driveway, open my window, take the rock off the garbage can with it prevents critters from removing my garbage on garbage night, dumping it in the garbage can, doing this post, then copying and pasting it into my WordPress dashboard, man there are a lot of steps in my processes. It seems complicated, the only thing that helps me is breaking it down. So if you have a crazy schedule, write down each step and break it down what happens in each step.  Down to the atomic habits.

It keeps my anxiety level to a minimum when I’m late.

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