DIY Vision Board Just Completed. Amazing!

It finally happened – my vision board is ready!
Just a frame, twine, scissors and a few clothespins
Vision Board from a picture frame!

I have wanted my very own vision board (or motivation board) for some time now. Especially since I have been learning more and more through self discovery snd mind building. The power of words snd images are very impactful. All day long we are bombarded with images of life, and even when we try to relax and watch or listen to the tv or even our favorite podcast, no media can exist without advertising. Even if it’s not for profit there are still sponsorship messages they’re called with no call to action allowed. How do I know? I used to sell radio ads for the largest bass station in the US. We are hit with it whether we like it or not.
The moment I wake up in the morning. Thr first thing my eyes see before my leopard pattern sleep mask comes off if my bathroom a few feet away from my bed where I get dressed and start my day.
Come to think of it this is the first place my eyes get accustomed to light. By journaling noe I just realized this is a very impactful room for me, and I was going yo put it right across from where I rise from bed. I think I might put this up on the wall next to my bed so it’s the last thing I see at night. But I definitely need vision for my morning bathroom routine too. Now back to this amazing diy vision board.
I was looking up diy memory boards on the internet because I have photos that I want to display but replace with new ones so often because I am always capturing memories. Visuals to include on my blog, photos of every day life capturing my son or things that I’m really proud of including my family.
When I was looking for these memory boards, they had close pins to interchange various photos over time. A recent group of photos that I put in a frame that houses for photos was of a praying mantis, Shelby, that my son owns and is very proud of. Shelby passed away, not too long ago, and his photos still remain up on my wall in a photo frame that is difficult to get the photos out of let alone to replenish with photographs that are only in portrait mode.
What I liked about this project was that it didn’t seem hard to tackle especially when getting materials requires leg time, thought, and also space to set up everything. It was really pretty easy because I already had these materials around my house, including a lot of frames that house photos that were out of date. I saved the frames, but got rid of the photos. So I had a lot of empty frames. Now I know what I can do it.
I laid the materials I would need on my kitchen counter. I didn’t even need to sit down for this one because it was so quick. I just taped the pieces of twine that I cut to the back of the frame and then wrap them around the front. I chose to have my frame in portrait mode. Perhaps next time I will wrap them for a landscape mode.
I took a few photos that are pretty special to me my son takes the top spot, Cory Everson is the foundation of my frame, because I have always wanted to be a bodybuilder. Are used to do a fitness video featuring Cory that required dumbbells. I had never really used them before. It is even before I had a gym membership in the 90s. I was in my early teens. My mom used to work out with me too, to Jane Fonda. I always loved how exercise made me feel. Even to this day.
I am going to collect things that motivate me and keep me moving forward. I hope to someday be a motivational speaker to empower others with chronic illness, especially MS.
I believe that this vision board will keep me focused. This zen corner is doing the job to start my days and get this journal done before I even start my day. Now a few affirmations and off to the gym. I can’t wait to add to my new motivation board later when I get home. And complete a few projects on my list for week three of my 13 virtues project. I have been working diligently on this every day and I will write in a couple of days on it before I move on to week 4 and anothr virtue!

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