Screeech! Brakes on! Why no more meal prep!

Meal prep is work! No more for me…

 So that’s it. I had to put a halt to a process that was just taking way too much time and causing me too much pain. Meal prep.

I’m just saying the term meal prep is nothing much. It’s just a matter of chopping some vegetables preparing ingredients for someone to cook later. It’s usually not me unless I’m the only one available to do it but with the meal prep service that I have been using over the last few months, it seems to me that I have to prep more and more. There are quick and easy recipes that come pre-chopped, but making cucumber ribbons with a special vegetable peeler was just too much for me yesterday. I wasn’t even that interested in the recipe, Korean steak tacos.  I also had to thinly sliced and peeled shallots and juice a lime, and make wedges.  Most of this I do from a seated position. When I stand for too long, my calfs, get an unbearable throbbing, it’s like it hurts right down to the bone. It’s way better than it used to be but I know that it’s muscle weakness. My doctor says it’s my shoes, and I actually haven’t had a chance to go and get new ones yet, but leg pain is enough for me to put a screech on the meal prep wagon.

I was improving my process on meal prep over the last week, but it wasn’t until this week’s organization virtue that I was working on that I realized how much time and pain the meal prep is affecting me. I don’t even have time in the morning to work on my organization, virtue and clean my cabinets out, and really improve myself on the area of organization, because the meal prep was taking an hour, and then I just had no energy to continue on with my organization process.

How can I ever get better and self improve? Unless I work on my processes? I am on a never ending quest to empower myself. I also want to help others empower themselves too, it’s only when I looked at the big picture and rose above that I realized how much one of my processes was eating me alive. Meal prep.

At least the meal prep that I was doing, with all of those choppes vegetables and tenderizing meat

I am sure that there are options to buy pre-chopped vegetables, and pre-tenderized meat, but for now to make things easier, I have chosen a prepared meal, food service, where you pick out meals based on the kind of plan that you want, Kati, vegan. Protein, and they will just deliver them premade in a box that you just heat up. although it’s not freshly made, I don’t think this is a big deal for me, as long as it’s healthy.

The other thing that used to exhaust me about meal prepping, and I never really talked about it on here, was substituting dairy ingredients for my lactose, intolerant, husband, and myself, prefereinf not to eat dairy.  It was no option to choose an allergy preference on the meal plan I had, home chef, so I would just get the meal and then also have to substitute every dairy ingredient for non-dairy options that I bought from the store. Are used to save all the containers from the meals that I would get, and just make new little cute boxes and it was very pretty really. Big deal. It was a lot of waste, and a lot of time and aggravation.

I really hope this new meal plan service works out. For now it’s my only option. I am giving up cooking for now and the prep that exhausted me and caused me pain.

I also want to work on my organization, virtue, and organize my cabinets and dressers, a top priority for me now, since I have missed three days being so exhausted to even tackle it. I should just move up my whole process for week two, organization to start it today. Today is a new start.

It’s good to look at the big picture from up here. If I didn’t do this self improvement project, I never would’ve realized this problem, and how it was stopping me from moving forward. I just had to find another solution.

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