Why E-mail Cleanup is like a Cleansing.

Day 4: The One-Hour Investment

Listen to today’s exercise by signing up here: http://bit.ly/mind-hacking-21-day-program Spend one hour cleaning out or turning off unnecessary digital distractions, including instant messaging, text messaging, notifications and alerts, time-wasting internet sites, and unnecessary emails. Count the number of digital distractions you turned off, and record that number in your MIND HACKING book or your practice pad.

I wanted to do it for a while. It sounded like something very sexy to me -an untouched inbox. A chance to start over. It wasn’t until I read this crazy book on mind hacking by sir John Hargrove that things just started to happen. I started training my mind every day, and it’s only Digital clutter if you will that just blocks any messages that are important of getting in.

I’m subscribed like anyone else to a lot of promotional emails that I might’ve been interested in at one time, but never had this chance to unsubscribe. On day four of these 21 day challenge, it was just a one hour investment of my time. Or so he said.

 when I started to unsubscribe from emails, is the first step of the project, it was easy with an unsubscribe option at the top left of the email. This option only appears sometimes, and other emails I would have to scroll down to the bottom to find the unsubscribe option. 

For some really annoying emails, that seem to be corporate emails, there was a lot of heavy wordage at the bottom, and one tiny hyperlink within the text to click here for email preferences, it was hidden. Those sneaky bastards. But I gotcha.

When my hour timer went off on my iPhone, I was wanting more. I was feeling like I was getting revenge on all of these people who wanted to attack me every day with their promotions. And to think that I used to be in marketing, specializing in online marketing. Email marketing is only one part of the marketing funnel, and now I realize how important it is to keep your customers happy by letting them unsubscribe easily. There’s no need to trick anybody. Especially your customers, not even future customers that you hope to win over.

So I unsubscribed to quite a decent amount of emails before I hit the select all and delete option to clean out my inbox. They were over 118,000 emails, so we’re not talking chump change here. If more emails would come in that I hadn’t unsubscribed to, I figured I would know it was the next phase of the project. And I would keep whittling it down until I had nothing.

I have to make a phone call to Apple support today to find out why my inbox keeps filling up again, but this is a technical issue. I don’t know where the emails are sitting, if they’re on my phone, or if they’re on a server, who’s server is it my email host is it Apple. Either way this project is off to a great start for me. It’s something I never thought would happen with a MindHacking journey. But it seems that everything starts in your mind. The rest will follow. I wonder what today’s mind hack is When I get to the gym and hop on the hand bike, where my audiobook indulgence happens.

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