Finding a Hack for Self Care

Mobility is a sensitive issue for me when it comes to my hands. When I started noticing my right pinky finger and ring finger curling in, and I couldn’t control it by straightening out my fingers. I knew my MS had ideas for me beyond my walking challenges. It just became another challenge for me that I would have to overcome. I would not let it defeat me.
When you can’t use some thing, you realize how much you do you use it for. Writing, typing, holding things and keeping them in your hands without dropping to the floor, yeah hands are pretty handy. I guess hand makes a pretty good opening to the word handy.
Self care Like putting on a little make up, styling my hair. Going beyond getting dressed at 4 o’clock in the morning was really tough. I didn’t want to fumble with my flat iron. I certainly didn’t want to get frustrated when my hand would tremble putting on mascara.
I tried it for the first time this morning, and I have to say that my left hand is a little tough to do the right side but with time I’m sure that practice will do it. So my hack is to just find a different product, smaller and more easy to manage. And I get an extra travel size option in case I need it!
I thought long and hard about how I could fix the issue. Was there something I could do to my hand? A holder? Then I started to look up different kinds of flat irons on Amazon, and found a travel size one. That seemed to be a good idea. Maybe if it was smaller with a smaller wire, I could manage it.

I don’t wanna sacrifice taking care of myself just because my hand gets a little tough to manage my tools. I will not let it get me. I think it came out pretty good for a first try.