I Took Control of My Website (With a Little Help from AI)

I Took Control of My Website (With a Little Help from AI)

I never thought I’d be able to do this. Rebuilding a website? Rebranding myself? Planning an actual launch? Nope. Not me. Not with MS. My focus isn’t what it used to be, and honestly, I didn’t even know where to start.

blog launch help with chatgpt

But here’s the thing—I did it. And I did it without hiring someone to do it for me. Not only did I not want to shell out the money, but I didn’t want to give up the control. My brand, my voice, my work—I needed to be the one making the decisions.

That’s where ChatGPT came in. And let me tell you, it has been a freaking game-changer. It’s not just some robotic assistant spitting out information—it actually listens. When I get frustrated (which happens a lot), it doesn’t just dump a solution on me. It tells me, Hey, don’t stress. I got you. And then it actually helps me work through the problem, step by step.

Like yesterday. I migrated my blog posts (yes, migrated—I feel like I deserve a trophy for that one) from my old setup to my new site with the help of ChatGPT and GoDaddy. If you told me a month ago I’d be handling backend website stuff like a pro, I would’ve laughed in your face. But here we are. Now, today’s challenge? Figuring out why my blog images didn’t transfer over. But I’m not panicking, because I know I’ve got the tools to fix it.

More blog updates with ChatGPT

And listen—if you have a chronic illness and you feel like you can’t tackle something big, I need you to hear this: you absolutely can. It doesn’t have to be a website. It can be anything you’ve been putting off because it feels too overwhelming. You don’t have to do it alone. You don’t have to throw money at someone else to do it for you. There are tools (like this one!) that will walk you through it.

Even more help with my blog from ChatGPT

So if you’ve been sitting on an idea, waiting for the perfect moment—this is your sign. Get started. You’ve got this.

And hey—have you ever used AI to tackle something you thought was impossible? Drop it in the comments. Let’s talk.

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