My Morning Gym Routine, Playtime Redefined

Early morning routine at the gym is my fun!

Imagine a playground where every morning is a new adventure. That’s my gym routine. After being diagnosed with MS, I found a unique way to reclaim control and joy: turning my workouts into playtime.

Each morning at the gym is like stepping onto my personal jungle gym. I mix it up with cable rows, woodchoppers, and whatever feels right that day. It’s a creative process, almost like being a kid again, but with the knowledge and power of an adult.

I’m not just working out; I’m crafting my routine with the precision of a personal trainer (NASM certified, by the way). But it’s not about training others; it’s about training me. This knowledge transforms my gym time into a safe, empowering playground.

Here, in the midst of weights and machines, I’m totally in control. And if I ever need a hand, there’s always someone around to help. It’s more than exercise; it’s fun, it’s freedom, it’s playtime redefined for an adult me.

So here’s to my gym routine: a daily dose of play, power, and possibility.

Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

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    1. That’s such a good comment especially being a new year! Whatever type of exercise you choose, it’s to improve your health and well being. I hope 2024 can give you a new perspective and go play! It’s all about you time. In control! Happy new year Laura!

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