14 Manifestation Magic: A Journey Empowered.

Did you ever wonder how your life would be if it was just how you dreamed it to be? Wonder no more! Join me as I recount my personal journey of manifesting my dream life, despite living with Multiple Sclerosis, and how you can do it too. Listen to my daily practices of gratitude, maintaining a positive mindset, and surrounding myself with positivity that has helped me create a space for good things to happen.
Not only that, let’s explore together the transformative power of meditation and daily practices. Hear how I have harnessed the power of meditation to gain control over my MS symptoms and raise awareness of my body’s changes. Besides, I’ll share with you my experiences using the free app Insight Timer for meditation and how it can be a helpful tool in your manifestation journey. And remember, your engagement is always appreciated – leave your thoughts and questions on the blog post associated with the podcast, I’d love to hear from you!
Hello everybody and welcome to today’s episode. I am grateful that you are joining me today. It is not the usual kind of topic that I want to discuss, but I’m going to go through something that took me a little while to develop. It is my morning routine.
Now, I’m not talking about the routine that I have at the gym for two hours every morning before I start the rest of my day. It is my mindfulness, my meditation routine. In the morning, in the wee hours before the sun comes up, I spend some time working on my mind. I don’t get a chance to during the day, and I really believe that since I’ve been working on this, my life has improved dramatically. It allows me to be focused, ready for my day, and when I walk out of this door I am charged and ready to go.
So I’m going to share with you my routine. Now, every routine does not have to be the same for everybody. There’s no specific steps to developing a morning routine, because what works for me may not work for you, or you may need a little bit of more work on something else that I don’t. I’m not going to talk to wishy-washy or kind of abstract. I just want to get an idea in your head that every routine is specifically catered to the individual.
I guess you could get a consultation to develop your own morning routine, but ultimately it’s going to lie in your lap for what works best for you.
When I listen to meditations to put myself to sleep at night, I like guided meditations. I like somebody talking to me and telling me which way to go, what to think about, what to visualize. Not everybody’s the same. My son you hear him on the introduction for every episode Sean, he’s eight now and he doesn’t like talking. He wants to hear some visualization just through music. He wants to be lulled to sleep by the sound of an airplane, by the sound of a cat purring. So I’m telling you that mindfulness for everybody is not the same. We are all different. We are all creative creatures creating the world that we want to live in.
Okay, you’re creating your own reality. Every day, when I wake up, I make a choice. I make a choice to sit down in the corner that I’ve developed for myself, focus, with a vision board on my left and in front of me, words on the wall. Let’s say habit is what keeps you going, motivation is what gets you started. So I surround myself with those words. I have gratitude rocks all around me. I’ll take a look at what the rocks are right in front of me. One of them says I’m determined. The other one says I am strong. So I’ve got some affirmations which start a phrase with I am to start my day off. I also have on my table behind me me some more rocks that say believe, dream, achieve and focus, so those can be in order to any order. You don’t necessarily need to dream, believe and achieve. You can believe that you can do something, and then you can dream. So there’s no way around it, though. All of these good vibes that surround me every morning get me ready for my day and set up my mind to go out of this house like a freaking rock star. I don’t want to go out like, oh, I’m so tired, I feel so bad, my back is a little off. I’m pushing harder on the crutch on my right. Today It’s not even shut up. Just get your mind ready and focus, and I’m going to tell you what the steps are that I start my day with.
Sorry if I ramble a bit. I really don’t like to work from a script. I may have an outline, but I really just talk off the cuff. Okay, no cuffs. Today wearing my tank top from the gym, still fresh home from the gym. So this is how I get my brain ready for the day.
Okay, the first thing is I have this quiet, comfortable spot. Everything has to be comfortable. Now I have these high dining room chairs. They’re not the standard seat level where you can put your feet flat on the floor. So I have a bar on the bottom of the chair where I have to plant my feet, because if I don’t, I’m hanging. My feet are hanging off of the chair and I feel like a little kid. I don’t feel grounded, I don’t feel connected. So I think for any morning routine that you do with mindfulness meditation, you need to plant your feet firmly on the floor, be connected, think of it like you’re a tree and those are your roots.
Okay, put your back straight as you can, because your energy is aligned up your spine. Okay, you have chakras and I’m not going to go into too much of that today, but there’s a lot to do with being spiritual and understanding the energy centers in your body. That really changed me too, understanding chakras and the energy flow. So crown of your head needs to point to the sky Right, telling the universe what your intentions are for the day. Feet grounded on the floor, okay, hands in your lap. I like to put my thumb and point a finger together In the circle hands up so that my energy flows connected through my body. So it’s just going around and energizing every part of me so that I’m ready to receive the information.
I am And I use the insight timer. I cannot tell you enough. That is my be all end all Starts my day, off ends my day. So you want to be sitting without distractions. Nice chair. You want to sit on a floor? that’s fine. I am not sitting with back support Now. I’m actually on a stool because I feel that I’m a little bit more engaged in my core and I can set up I don’t know lean If I don’t have to. I leave enough during the day when I get tired. So you could also use a meditation mat. It’s totally fine for you. So, physically, wherever you are, that is up to you. But just be grounded, be connected to the floor, head up, straight, and energy flowing straight through your spine, down through the roots.
Okay, then we’re going to get energy flowing through the body And then I will say this I don’t really set a timer. You know I have meditations that I do, that have a specific time And I know that I’m looking to do about an hour of mindfulness and meditation before I head out that door. Okay, the first half of what I get up. So I get up at three, okay, from eight o’clock to four o’clock I’m getting ready, like I’m getting my clothes on, my stuff at the gym,
I’ve been working out steadily for over two years. I’m not going to stay that. You have to work out every day, like I do For two years to feel anything. But if you just really start Focusing, setting your intention before you even walk in the door To wherever you are, doesn’t even have to be exercised. Set that intention, set your mind in a positive frame and you’re ready to go, and then you can manifest.
This has really worked for me and for countless others before, and if you don’t believe me in that You have control of the way you think, no one can ever take that away from you. No one can ever put you in a negative mind frame, no matter where you are or what challenges you’re going through. You always have that power to turn it around in a positive frame and make yourself a little bit happier.
Okay, I have a great quote from Helen Keller, and then I like to kind of start this presentation with. Helen Keller said this: “I once cried because I had no shoes, and then I met a man who had no feet.” So remember there’s always someone who has a situation much worse than you. It’s time to be thankful for what you do have in this world. Okay, and then more will come to you and you will just create your own destiny.
Okay, good or bad, I want you to create and manifest a dream life for yourself and improve yourself a little bit more every day. So setting that intention is going to make a big difference, but visualizing this all happening and seeing it is going to make it a reality all that much quicker. When you visualize, you can do it in your outside world. You also have the power to do it right from here, right between your eyebrows. Your forehead is your third eye. I don’t care whether you believe it or not. I want you to think that there is this ball of energy right behind your eyes. It’s blue in color, dark blue, and it’s just spinning around, wanting you to see what the future holds for you. Okay, and that is your third eye. It’s your, your gut. Okay, well, your gut is here, but it’s just your understanding of what’s to be okay, and this is your third eye. Close your eyes. And then just kind of think to look through this third eye in between your eyebrows, right in the center, right there your forehead, and I want you to think of what the future holds for you. Okay, and I want you to visualize that you have the opportunity, endless opportunities to create your future. You can create a positive one, you can create a negative one, but if you visualize what you want, it’s going to make it come that much quicker. It truly, truly worked for me. So if you just think and visualize in yourself, it will work.
But I also have to say, right behind me, I think behind this microphone, and I want to move the microphone. See if I can move this. It’s my vision board. Okay, and this is near and dear to me every day. There’s my crutches, right there. Okay, you might not think that I walk with them when I’m sitting here, so great, but you know that’s how I do get around. I have multiple crutches around my life. I have crutches in the garage, I have crutches downstairs, I have crutches everywhere, but I’m working on nixing at least one of the crutches by next year. We’ll see how that works out.
Anyway, so I have my visualization board. I truly believe in the vision board. If I did not have the vision board, I would not have a podcast and I wouldn’t even be here talking to you, and I’m gonna be putting this on YouTube later, I promise myself. I want to be able to get more intention and get in front of more people so that you can learn more about me and I can help more people. Okay, I manifested this desire to be a meditation coach. Okay, that’s what I want to do, and I’m here to help you.
So let me Okay, and I thank you. The next thing that I want to do is let you know. Number five is meditate. Okay, I truly meditate. Every morning, before I start my day, I think of what kind of meditations I want to do. There are gratitude meditations, there are yoga meditations. I also do affirmations. Anything where you can go inside your mind is meditating, okay, and you have an awareness that’s gonna happen, not like anything else, when you shut down the noise. Okay, and you just go inside yourself. There is a lot available for you. So I truly encourage you to start meditating, and if you want to start right away and don’t want to have to pay anything, you can either go on YouTube and look for meditation videos or you can go to Insight Timer, the app. Okay, it’s a free app. I also have it on my smart TV and sometimes when there’s courses that are there, people are doing them live. I watch on my television. But one thing to note if you have a premium account, like I do, it only works on the device that you have that premium account on. Now it works on my iPhone. It also works on my iPad, so I’m not gonna say it’s specific to the device, but the Insight Timer on my smart TV does not allow me to put in an account. So you know, if you’re looking to mirror what’s on your, your iPhone, you can always do that, and then you can have your account for free and it looks pretty good. You know my television when I’m mirroring from my device, okay.
So, anyway, I don’t want to go on to that too much, but Insight Timer is an awesome way to just search by keyword for the type of meditation that you want to do. Okay, it’s totally fantastic. It totally changed my life and allowed me to really get inside here. This is your brain, okay, and your brain is your CPU. It controls the rest of you. I’m gonna say this, I’ve never said it anywhere else okay, my MS, my multiple sclerosis, is what attacks my brain and my spinal cord. Okay, it attacks the central nervous system, creates lesions and scarring so that the conduction for those nerves doesn’t go through, and then, just like, my right leg is a little weaker, my right arm is a little weaker, I need to work on a little more. Everything, you know, that happens is because of the MS. But, you know, it doesn’t mean that it can’t get better, get better. I said bitter, yeah. So when you meditate, you know you go inside. This is your CPU. I never knew this so much until I really had MS. I just thought that everything was working like it should until I saw an MRI and saw these lesions that were attacking my brain and spinal cord. They are not active now because I am on a drug called Ocrevus and I wish I was on disease-modifying medication a lot earlier on in my MS. But at that time I had relaxed, remitting, so I would get worse. I would get better. I take steroids, I’d get
better. Then I started to go on different medications. I’m very fortunate now that this Ocrevus is on the market. It’s a very aggressive treatment for MS but this is what’s working for me to keep it at bay And then I can just get my body stronger okay, until the next thing comes along. Very thankful for it, but I have to say I want my body back okay And we’re working for a cure.
So anyway, I had to say the reason I told you that was because I’d never realized until meditation kind of, what was going on with my MS that there’s nothing I could do to control something attacking my nerves and my brain and my spinal cord. But I can get in here right in my meditation and I can kind of control my body a little bit more. You know, there’s nothing that I can do about damage that was done, but I can kind of create neural pathways and work around it.
But anyway, if you practice daily which is my sixth thing that you do need to do in my process practice daily, that’s a pretty easy one. Just put in some work, even if it’s five minutes in the morning practicing gratitude, five minutes before you go to sleep every night practicing gratitude, whether it’s in a journal, doing some short meditations, putting some visuals in your atmosphere. The more you do and you create the vision for the life you wanna live, the more it’s going to become a reality. Okay, so have gratitude. My first one I create these rocks. I hope this is not backwards, let’s see. So we gotta have gratitude. The next one is surrender. Okay, just give it up, just know the universe is gonna be there to save you. You have to set the intention, visualize, meditate and practice daily, and when I meditate and I sit here, I like to hold these in my hand and they just feel really good and they just work for me, okay.
So if you have any questions, please post a comment below. You can also post a comment on my blog. This is going to be sitting at chronicallyempoweredmom.com on an episode. I’m gonna have the show notes for the podcast that I’m creating this for, okay, so I thank you for watching, for listening, thank you for being here. Okay, all the best to you and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye now.