34 AI, Minds Without Limits: AI in the Realm of Creativity

Podcast Description:
Imagine yourself harnessing the immense power of artificial intelligence to alter the landscape of creativity. I, Vicki Sicliano, have been on this exhilarating journey, and this episode is about sharing the thrilling adventure with you. We will dive into my fascinating world of AI, where we’ll chat about tools like GPT and mid journey, discuss my experiences in artwork creation and problem-solving, and examine how AI can generate unique prompts that spark creativity. We will also unmask the competition between mid journey and Dahle, bringing you up close with the game-changing potential AI has in the creative process.
I’ll take you through the intriguing escapade of prompting for coloring book images using chat GPT. The challenge of getting the perfect image description by speaking the AI language is a ride in itself. Join me as I recount my journey of creating a sloth coloring book using AI and the hurdles I had to overcome. I believe that sharing my personal story, particularly about how AI played an essential role in an experience with my son, will inspire you to embrace AI in your creative process.
Finally, we’ll venture into a heartfelt story of how AI has empowered the artistic expression of my high-functioning autistic son. This experience shows the remarkable power of AI and how it can enhance our art and offerings. I’ll also tease our new gratitude journal, soon to be featured on our Amazon bookshelf. As we reflect on how AI has improved our creativity, leading to unexpected success, we encourage your suggestions for future creations. We are committed to sharing our evolving creativity with you and see where this fascinating journey takes us.
Podcast Transcription:
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Episode 34: AI, Minds Without Limits – AI in the Realm of Creativity
Host: Vicki Sicliano
Speaker 1 (Vicki Sicliano):
0:00 – This is episode number 34, “Minds Without Limits: AI in the Realm of Creativity”. Stay tuned. Hi, and welcome to the Chronically Empowered Mom podcast, your source for energy and inspiration. I’m Vicki Sicliano, motivational coach, certified personal trainer, former jazz vocalist, and a multiple-time Amazon published author. My mission is to empower you to be the best version of you, no matter what stage of life or if you have a chronic illness like me. Ready to rewrite your story and be the best version of you? Let’s dive in.
Hello there, everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Chronically Empowered Mom podcast. I am your host, the chronically empowered mom, Vicki Sicliano, and I’m here today to share with you some really cool things that have been going on with me.
Now, I have to say, I’ve been having a technical hiccup this morning. I wanted to record this as a video, right to kind of multiply my presence out there in the universe. I wanted to put it on YouTube. I wanted to do this on a video. I’m actually sitting here smiling at the camera, but there’s nothing recording. I was going to use a program called iMovie, which comes with Apple products, but of course, I could not get it to work for me this morning. So, because I’m a band of one, like a little monkey on an organ, I couldn’t get it to happen. So, if you’ll bear with me, it’s just my voice here with you today, and I guess that’s kind of intermittent nice in a way. But there are some visuals that I’m going to be sharing with you in the show notes.
This is episode number 34. And I wanted to share with you all that’s been happening in the world of artificial intelligence, or AI. AI has been in the news like crazy lately. So there’s different kinds of artificial intelligence. One of the most popular ones that people are using is Chat GPT. Now, this is just for use for the general public. You don’t have to be an expert in artificial intelligence. You can just pretty much speak to it and chat with it as if you were having a conversation and you may need a problem solved. So you want to ask it for an opinion on how to solve a problem.
I had a situation where I needed to kind of communicate with a parent and I wasn’t sure how to do it kind of politely, but it was an issue with me and I did. So it gave me some pretty good advice and it’s not the be-all and end-all. I mean you always have to think of who you’re talking to, right? You’re talking to a bot. It’s not a real person, it is artificial intelligence.
Now, there are things that it can be trained in and those things are pretty special to me. Okay, I am a hugely creative person. I love photography. I learned how to photograph with a DSLR and it’s one of those real nice cameras with the solid glass lenses. And when I had to go and shoot, when I was physically able to, and carry a backpack with lenses a wide angle of macro lenses and all of my paraphernalia with that, that was great right. But as time went on, after I had my son, I now walk with two forearm crutches and it really doesn’t allow me to carry much. I can carry stuff with a pinky. I maybe carry a water bottle through the gym with two fingers and a pincher grasp, but not more than that. So you definitely wouldn’t want me holding your drink, that’s for sure.
So when I was able to, I was loving photography and I could frame any shot that I wanted. I could let you see what was so important to me in my world, and it was also important to me for marketing, because at that time I was a marketing manager of a trade show exhibit company and they created some pretty awesome stuff. But the trade show floor wasn’t always conducive to an excellent shot, so I would need to make magic stuff happen a lot of times in post editing right. So after the shot was taken I would go in in Adobe and I became an expert in that. But if you can get anything right straight out of the camera, OTC, that’s money. So it was very important to me to brush up on those photography skills because at that time there really was no AI. It’s really taken hold now and you can be an artist without having to carry all of that cumbersome paraphernalia, if you will.
For myself, because I am mobility
challenged carrying stuff for me, getting me to a place at a certain time not that easy, but for me it’s easiest to do it whenever I have the energy and I have the time to create something. So one thing that I’ve been using besides Chat GPT is Mid Journey and there are other tools that you can create artwork in, namely Leonardo AI. There’s also Dahle, which is owned by Chat GPT, and you can now talk to Chat GPT and ask you to draw an image of something and I give you a pretty good first attempt at it. It’s not known for and I say yet it’s not known for its graphic capabilities yet, but it’s its counterpart, right, it’s AI for art, or Dahle D-A-L-L is really coming around now because there’s such huge competition with Mid Journey.
Now I have a paid subscription with Mid Journey because all day long on my iPhone I have an app that allows me to just generate whatever kind of image I want. It’s very powerful, a very powerful tool to learn the language that’s needed to generate an image that you want or envision is an art. It’s called prompt engineering. So I’m actually engineering my prompts very smartly by this new word that I have that I feed to Mid Journey, called describe. So I will give it an image and I ask it to describe to me what it sees. And Mid Journey spits out for prompts, right? So four different ways to view that image. Sometimes it will give me an artist that it feels has certain qualities for that image. It may not be an exact, but definitely some influences from artists will come in, and I’ve been learning a lot about art. I give it images of art that I love and I say what do you see in this picture or describe right, and it gives me back artists that I can click through and see a Google link to kind of learn about the artist. Sometimes they are deceased, sometimes they are current artists.
I will tell you this morning what happened with me using Mid Journey with my son’s artwork. So my son, Sean, is eight years old. He is not a big fan of creating art. He doesn’t like anything that takes too long, too much effort. He doesn’t see himself as an artist, nor does he like to take a long time to write anything. Yes, very high functioning autism. So he is very resistant to doing things that he doesn’t want to do. You have to take a lot of convincing to get him to do something. But I think I found a secret this morning. It happened so he had to do homework for his teacher where he would create a math equation and then draw art to support that math equation. So it was a cumulative math equation something plus something equals something, right.
So he created two snowmen. At first his idea was a little busy. He had a two of something and then times eight something. So he was going to draw two airplanes and eight runways. And that was just too much stuff, too much drawing and I know Sean, so we had him pull it back to two times two, or two plus two. He decided to draw two snowmen, which were pretty simple, and they both needed two sticks for arms. So how many sticks did they need? Right, there’s four sticks. Two snowmen, four sticks, two sticks per each.
So he was not crazy about drawing art at all and he never is. He hates his art class. He doesn’t like the tools and I think in his art class they have to paint all the time and a lot of girls like painting and I get that. He likes the easy way out. He wants to create something and out. I have been coloring every day, so I have a whole toolkit of different pens that I’ve found work for me. But again, it’s trial and error. I am a female very creative. I don’t mind trying new things out and with Amazon you can always try something new. I bought these pens that have two sides, so one side is thin, a thin nib. The other side is like a felt tip pen. It’s thicker, with a nice stroke that it gives, and I kind of love these for my coloring because I don’t have to scratch. If you will, with a very fine tip, nib. I can kind of sweep the felt across the page, the felt tip and it comes out beautiful. And I created something over a week’s time and I just finished it this morning before I went to the gym. I was really excited about it. I’ll share it with you in the show notes and on my website.
So it’s a cat with a certain symmetrical kind of print that you can just easily color. It’s very forgiving. It doesn’t have very fine, fine detail that I’m not really good at with my hands. So I created this myself out of a need. And then I relax and I meditate and I