27 Blogging, Podcasting, YouTube – Manifesting for Real!

Podcast Description:
Stepping into the world of podcasting and blogging has been an exciting and rewarding journey for me. With the help of platforms like Buzzsprout and YouTube, I’ve been able to share my thoughts, experiences, and learnings, and I’m thrilled to take you along with me as I navigate this transition and plan for the future. I also share a heartfelt story from my gym journey about positivity and acceptance that has left me grateful for the community I’m part of.
In the second part of the episode, I share a piece of yesterday’s successful manifestation workshop, with my secrets on how to turn wishes into reality. You will get to hear from Vickie’s son, who shares his own unique experience growing up with a mother who practices manifestation. This episode promises to leave you filled with positive energy and a fresh perspective on manifestation.
Hi there, Vickie Siculiano here. Thank you for joining me for another episode of the Chronically Empowered Mom podcast. This is episode number 27, and it’s about podcasting, blogging, and updates on my life. Since I started this podcast a few months ago, I’ve been eager to share my thoughts and build an audience of people striving to be the best versions of themselves.
I’ve been active in recent times. For instance, I hosted a manifestation workshop at my local library in Wayne, New Jersey. The workshop was fantastic and took place last Friday. I’ll be including a clip from it in this episode, showcasing some of my media creation abilities.
You might notice that I’m not in my usual workout attire today. I’m in a sweatshirt after resting because I had my CO booster shot this morning. It did wear me out a bit, but I’d choose that over getting sick any day.
I’ve deliberated a lot about whether podcasting is for me. I’ve come to the conclusion that it is. I enjoy expressing my thoughts and appreciate the ability to record videos for platforms like YouTube. Currently, I use Buzz Sprout as my podcast host. It’s been beneficial, offering automated transcription services and suggested podcast titles and descriptions using AI. Although I might transition to a free plan, I love using Buzz Sprout and will likely stick with it for the foreseeable future.
I’m passionate about media creation, especially recording content. However, I’m less keen on handling the technicalities and crafting tutorials. So, forgive me, I’m transitioning. I felt compelled to offer you this podcast episode before making any significant changes. I’m not disappearing; I’m merely shifting the platforms I use for content creation.
Interestingly, YouTube now offers podcasting, a feature that didn’t exist nine years ago when I first ventured into podcasting. Previously, I used a podcast host to record my MP3 files and syndicate them to platforms like iTunes and Spotify. Now, I employ a service called Riverside M for this purpose. It’s not the most cost-effective, but it’s efficient.
The community I belong to means a lot to me. Just today, someone at my gym appreciated the smiles I bring each morning. I genuinely enjoy being there and working out. It’s not a facade; I’m simply thrilled to be alive and part of an accepting community.
In closing, I’m revisiting how I’ll communicate with my audience. My goal is to foster a positive mindset, discuss manifestation, meditation, and remind everyone that no matter our struggles, someone else might be facing tougher challenges.
The origins of my podcasting journey are pinned right behind me on my vision board. I initially podcasted when my son was just a baby, holding him close. Now that he’s older and in after-care, I have a bit more time to focus on this. The process is intricate – from converting videos to MP3s for podcasting to uploading them on YouTube.
Finally, I’d like to share a snippet from my recent manifestation workshop and my son’s introduction. He was thrilled to introduce me, and his words meant a lot.
If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sean’s introduction:
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am thrilled to introduce you to a wonderful person today. Her name is Vicky Sano. She’s not just an amazing mom, but also an expert at manifesting dreams. Vicky will share incredible insights about turning wishes into reality. Prepare to be inspired by her wisdom on the power of manifestation. Without further ado, here’s my mom, Vickie SIculiano. Thank you!”