25 Harnessing the Transformative Power of AI: Moving Beyond Physical Limitations

Podcast Description
Are you curious about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in daily life? As a mom facing the physical challenges of MS, I’ve found AI to be a life-saver in ways you might not expect—from robot vacuums that clean my house, to AI-constructed journals and visuals that help me express my creativity. Join me, Vicki Sicliano, in the latest episode of the Chronically Empowered Mom Podcast, where I share my personal journey and experiences with AI, and how it aids in not just everyday tasks but also in content creation and visualization.
Often, we overlook the transformative power of AI in our lives. In this episode, you’ll hear about my venture into using chat GPT for transcript clean-ups, and designing engaging puzzles with low-content books. But it’s not just me—my son has utilized this technology too, creating captivating visuals for his projects and enhancing his chess skills. Facing the reality of my physical limitations due to MS, AI-generated visuals have been a sigh of relief for me. So, don’t miss this deep dive into the world of AI, and its potential to transform our lives!
Video: https://youtu.be/l5Y0mOLa9Kk
Imagine Tangent Crytal: http://bit.ly/46pfJhE
(Affiliate Link)
Hi and welcome to the Chronically Empowered Mom Podcast. I’m Vicki Sicliano, a motivational coach and an MS warrior. No matter what your challenge might be, I want to inspire you to overcome those struggles and empower you to be the best version of you.
I’ve done some exciting things in my career, including being a nationally recognized certified personal trainer, a former jazz vocalist, and I even wrote an Amazon best seller on smartphone photography. Now why am I sharing this? So you understand my philosophy on being empowered by being the best you can be. Now let’s dive in.
Hi everybody. Thank you for joining me today for another episode of the Chronically Empowered Mom Podcast or, if you’re watching this on YouTube, welcome to my YouTube channel. I’m very excited that you joined me today. This is a very different episode that I’m going to be recording for you today. It is about the power of AI and artificial intelligence and actually what just happened before I recorded this actually during the beginning of me recording my shark robot right, my shark robot vacuum, who helps me to clean this house, because I really can’t go around and vacuum like I used to with two crutches. She was coming on by and usually if she comes by, she might get stuck on something, or she’ll tell me that something’s stuck underneath here. There is no perfect science for a robot. It is not going to get up and clean itself, it’s not going to bring itself back home, it doesn’t have the intelligence that humans have yet. So it was a perfect opening to this episode, which I had to record over because it just fell apart and I just had to go and take care of her.
She came in and she was trying to dock on the station and she couldn’t. She doesn’t see very well, so it does have to have light and there are I think there’s three eyes on the unit and don’t quote me, I don’t know if I’m correct in that but it does have to have light so that it can see where it’s going and to see if it’s going to bump into anything along the way. If it bumps into stuff, it’s going to pretty much scan it and know where it is next time a little bit better. So she was just back and forth bumping into stuff and I couldn’t quite possibly record with her going on and causing a commotion. So I just stopped recording and when I did I noticed that there was an AI assistant waiting for me in my blog where I had to look at my last post because I needed to see what the episode number was, and this one is going to be 25. So I just needed to make sure that I could see the episode number, because when I go to record look, I am not scripted, I don’t believe in that. I need an outline of what I’m going to do because, just like if you get up on a stage right, you’re a performer like I used to be you need to know what’s going to be going on up there on the stage before you’re in front of an audience, so that you can have an optimal program and so that everything is well practiced and rehearsed, because you do have to respect the audience’s time. So, but I like to go up there not well rehearsed, but just kind of have an idea of what I’m going to say and speak from my heart.
And I thought about it like what is near and dear to my heart this week when I want to record for you. And this just came in yesterday’s mail. Okay, so Amazon Prime box didn’t drop by drone, it was actually delivered by somebody up the wet steps. It’s been raining here for like four or five days. I feel like I live in Seattle or on the West Coast, maybe even London, but it was. This box was delivered and I opened it up. I haven’t opened the box completely yet, but I see what’s waiting for me on the back. Okay, I ordered them and I’ve been waiting for them to come, because they have a workshop coming up next week on manifestation. I call it manifestation magic. I wanted to make sure they had enough copies of my gratitude journal with me. This is the 90 day guide to cultivating positivity and embracing empowerment, and this was manifested by me there. I am, straight from the gym, as I am now and every day. It’s just, you know, something that I needed and I made sure that I had some copies with me, if anybody wanted to have. So this is the box with the author cards, and I know I’m boxing it. Now. I have some books with me. Oh, my goodness, one of these in here and my latest edition. Oh my God, this is my journal. Wait, there’s another copy of this in there. I don’t know, I ordered 20. They may have sent me 18 and these are the extra two
, but look at what else is in this box. Okay, I needed a journal because I’m always writing on books like this. It’s a little six by nine books and I never really know what date it was where my note was. It’s just an easy size for me to kind of move around with and write my notes on. So I created this journal with a photograph that I created in artificial intelligence because, god damn it, every photograph that I want to use, whether it’s Pixabay or even from Canva, which I love using, they’re either never high enough quality or I don’t really own the copyrights to use them for commercial use. So here is my new journal. Okay, this is my lotus journal. I created this in artificial intelligence with the Canon 5D lens that the camera and and a lens that I wanted, and it’s got a little shadow underneath it. So I created this photograph of a lotus, which is really the flower that symbolizes manifestation. Reason being Check out that. That’s that saying no mud, no lotus. Right, there’s no work, you’re not gonna get anything beautiful. So the same thing with manifestation. You want stuff? Ask the universe, but you got to put the work in. Oh, I love my journal and inside of all my lined pages, can you see them? They’re all. This is no content book, okay, and is 120 pages when I can just let my thoughts flow freely. This is so important to me. My gratitude journal that I Manifest that and I created has pages that I created. It is not a no content book, it is a medium content book, right. So on every page there is a quote about gratitude. This one is what separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude Bernadie Brown’s awesome quote. Every page has a quote about gratitude. Some books I’ve seen had motivational sayings. I just thought that gratitude statements were just so powerful enough I wanted those to appear on every page, and there were graphics on them like a sun and a moon. When you write Whatever it is that you do, your affirmation spot Three things that you’re grateful for every morning and I’ve been filling this in, and today’s affirmation was I am Unstoppable, and that’s totally true. That is my word for the day I’m unstoppable.
Okay, so here are my Lotus journals, which I was waiting for. I was praying that they would be ready for my workshop next week, because I know that there might be some interested people. I’m not looking to make a million dollars off of these. I it’s not my attention at all. I just know that I had a need and I wanted to create them and I did and it just goes to prove to you you want anything. You just got to put in the time, set your intention, be grateful for what you have. It’s all going into my workshop next week. I’m super excited. That was great. Thank you, yeah. Please go back to artificial intelligence. Thank you, yes.
So, so this graphic was created with artificial intelligence. I gave it the command that I wanted. I used mid journey for this one and it was really my first Kind of foray into creating more than just Words and and ideas. So for my podcasts, sometimes I will ask it, ask artificial intelligence like chat GPT, to come up with a Summary. I will ask it to clean up a transcript that was written for me by the Buzzsproutcom that I’m using to host my podcast. They have a lot of artificial intelligence Tools that you can use. There’s magic mastering, which is which masters my audio so that this sounds really good when it gets to your ears, but there are also some tools like transcribing and coming up with a podcast description based on what it hears and also a podcast title. Now I Usually take that stuff in to chat GPT and I will rewrite it a bit. I will have it generate some ideas for me. But usually the title that it comes up with just it doesn’t quite get it right. It doesn’t understand, as a human being, what is most important and what is the true meaning of the podcast. It happened especially with my cousins who are still traveling cross-country in their RV camper. They kind of miss the, the artificial intelligence, chat, gpt and also Buzzsprout just missed the human nature and that they were Just going to do this in retirement and they were just going to be free. And there’s no free. I mean, ai just doesn’t get that idea right, so they would. It was just pretty much Cut and dry what it was, so that there’s sometimes you know some things that I have to step forward and Really rewrite. But chat GPT does a good job. Now I’m going to tell you this. So I created this no content book. I also signed up for book vault, which is a platform that I Wanted to use to create journals and just stuff that you really don’t have to write like I did. My book On smartphone photography and visual marketing secrets, which was a bestseller on Amazon, came back Nine years ago. It was great. That was my book that I did, and I did it the Tried and true way I used
to create space. I had a book editor of the really old-fashioned way to write a book and it wasn’t all fashion way because that was Before they had computers and internet and all that kind of stuff that you can find somebody on Fiverr to do something for you To promote it in social media, right. It was good for what it was, but it was nowhere near where it is now. So I used book bolt to Just kind of create the journal like the no content stuff that’s inside this book. Okay, I needed that because I write on that. It’s exactly what’s in my notebook, right. So created a composition notebook for my son, with his help, on one of his favorite Characters I guess it’s just a theme. It’s called skibbity toilet. If you never heard of that, look up Skibbity’s S-K-I-B-I-D-I toilet on YouTube and you will not only see videos from Defouq Boon, who is an animator that really wanted to make it in the world of animation. So he created this fictitious character and characters and it just makes a series and people are waiting with bated breath for the next episode to come out and there’s a bunch of people who make videos about his videos. So it’s like never ending whether it’s those videos that he’s watching, or the commentary on the videos. My son is just entranced. He’s eight years old, so but that’s what is now. So I wanted him to see what more there is, because I know he’s pretty high tech and he loves to create stuff. He loves chat GPT. In fact, he helped me create some of the visuals for something that I’m working on right now, and I wanted more of his help. He is a big gamer. The kid used to love to play chess. When COVID happened first time in 2020, he was in kindergarten. Now it’s kind of tough because I didn’t know what to do with him. We couldn’t really go out in the summer and it was just couldn’t really go out to school. His poor preschool it’s been open so many years closed and I had found that kids love chess at five years old. There are some gift to children, so I wanted to see. Sure enough, he was hooked. So once he found games though, after that he could still play chess. But I’m gonna say he’s a gamer and a lot of kids are, but he’s into designing the games too, and the stories and all that kind of stuff. So he loves chat GPT.
So, so this graphic was created with artificial intelligence. I gave it the command that I wanted. I used mid journey for this one and it was really my first Kind of foray into creating more than just Words and and ideas. So for my podcasts, sometimes I will ask it, ask artificial intelligence like chat GPT, to come up with a Summary. I will ask it to clean up a transcript that was written for me by the Buzzsproutcom that I’m using to host my podcast. They have a lot of artificial intelligence Tools that you can use. There’s magic mastering, which is which masters my audio so that this sounds really good when it gets to your ears, but there are also some tools like transcribing and coming up with a podcast description based on what it hears and also a podcast title. Now I Usually take that stuff in to chat GPT and I will rewrite it a bit. I will have it generate some ideas for me. But usually the title that it comes up with just it doesn’t quite get it right. It doesn’t understand, as a human being, what is most important and what is the true meaning of the podcast. It happened especially with my cousins who are still traveling cross-country in their RV camper. They kind of miss the, the artificial intelligence, chat, gpt and also Buzzsprout just missed the human nature and that they were Just going to do this in retirement and they were just going to be free. And there’s no free. I mean, ai just doesn’t get that idea right, so they would. It was just pretty much Cut and dry what it was, so that there’s sometimes you know some things that I have to step forward and Really rewrite. But chat GPT does a good job. Now I’m going to tell you this. So I created this no content book. I also signed up for book vault, which is a platform that I Wanted to use to create journals and just stuff that you really don’t have to write like I did. My book On smartphone photography and visual marketing secrets, which was a bestseller on Amazon, came back Nine years ago. It was great. That was my book that I did, and I did it the Tried and true way I used to create space. I had a book editor of the really old-fashioned way to write a book and it wasn’t all fashion way because that was Before they had computers and internet and all that kind of stuff that you can find somebody on Fiverr to do something for you To promote it in social media, right. It was good for what it was, but it was nowhere near where it is now. So I used book bolt to Just kind of create the journal like the no content stuff that’s inside this book. Okay, I needed
that because I write on that. It’s exactly what’s in my notebook, right. So created a composition notebook for my son, with his help, on one of his favorite Characters I guess it’s just a theme. It’s called skibbity toilet. If you never heard of that, look up Skibbity’s S-K-I-B-I-D-I toilet on YouTube and you will not only see videos from Defouq Boon, who is an animator that really wanted to make it in the world of animation. So he created this fictitious character and characters and it just makes a series and people are waiting with bated breath for the next episode to come out and there’s a bunch of people who make videos about his videos. So it’s like never ending whether it’s those videos that he’s watching, or the commentary on the videos. My son is just entranced. He’s eight years old, so but that’s what is now. So I wanted him to see what more there is, because I know he’s pretty high tech and he loves to create stuff. He loves chat GPT. In fact, he helped me create some of the visuals for something that I’m working on right now, and I wanted more of his help. He is a big gamer. The kid used to love to play chess. When COVID happened first time in 2020, he was in kindergarten. Now it’s kind of tough because I didn’t know what to do with him. We couldn’t really go out in the summer and it was just couldn’t really go out to school. His poor preschool it’s been open so many years closed and I had found that kids love chess at five years old. There are some gift to children, so I wanted to see. Sure enough, he was hooked. So once he found games though, after that he could still play chess. But I’m gonna say he’s a gamer and a lot of kids are, but he’s into designing the games too, and the stories and all that kind of stuff. So he loves chat GPT. here’s your text broken up into smaller paragraphs for easier readability:
So hold that thought right. So there’s this artificial intelligence that helps you with the words and build stories and create great ideas for you that you can never think of, helps you write letters and get stuff going for you, but don’t don’t live in it, don’t use it as a substitute for writing and your own creativity.
So I wanted to be able to have a way to create better images for the stuff that I was creating, like this and also like this journal. Right, see this image that’s there. I used it as the whole image for the book. This image of the sun, this was a sunrise came from pixabay and it came on Amazon, kdp, where I published this book by myself.
Sorry about that. I didn’t turn off the do not disturb on. No, I did. I don’t even know why it’s coming in. Sorry about that. If you hear a ding, apologize. But so this gratitude journal has this, this image. That works, but I wanted to have a little bit better control of it, and I also got very much into coloring books because I wanted to see what other kind of low content books they were. There are puzzles that you could create. You don’t really have to think too cerebrally when you’re writing something like that, right, you plug it into a program and you do it book bolt, purchase, this puzzle maker. So I was like, maybe I’ll do that at some point with my song.
So I just started more and more looking at these coloring books and I wanted him to create one with me. So I was looking for something that would create visuals and there were a couple of options. Right, chat GPT is owned by this parent company, open AI, and there is a visual generator on there that is artificial intelligence. It’s called Dali DALL hyphen E. It’s not very intuitive and you have to kind of pay per generation things that you want generated, so it really wasn’t what I was looking for.
Then I looked on YouTube is pointed out look on YouTube and see who else has done it already. So there’s something called Leonardo dot AI and I checked into that. But there was something that I kept coming back to and it was called mid journey, and mid journey seems like the place that it’s at. So I’m really learning as much as I can about this platform and I came upon a course, and this course is just incredible. I’m going to post a link to it. Catherine, she has a link. She created imagine crystal and it’s just everything that I wanted. She’s got some videos on YouTube and again I’m going to post a link below this video for you. I it’ll be an affiliate link and you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, but it’s just a great way to be introduced to how you can use mid journey to create these fantastic coloring books.
And I’ve been starting to create these images and I have some on my phone that I could not believe that I did. I was just hooked and about all of yesterday I was trying to generate these, these images, and I couldn’t believe it how easy it was. So I created an image of a gingerbread cat. I wanted to see what what it would come up with. So here are four images of this gingerbread cat, right? So there are four different images different eyes, different muzzle, different part of the face and a couple of them are smiling. My mom didn’t care for the bottom. What is that? Left or right? The one with the green, because it looks like a mask. Number one, which is up here, has the muzzle but like there’s highlights in the eyes. If you’re listening to this podcast, just check out this video. I’m going to be posting it on my episode for the show notes. I just couldn’t believe it. It looks like an actual photograph. It’s amazing. I can generate whatever I want to, and if I don’t, the only thing that I need to do is to come up with the prompt. There are infinite prompts, infinite styles, compositions, things that you would never even have thought of, that you can come up with.
So I’ve just been watching her course and watching some YouTube videos of some other pros too, and it was well worth the investment for me, because this is something that I love, and I’m going to sum this up in this statement here. This is why I had to record this podcast for you today.
So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and over the years, I’ve done some very interesting things with my career and as a person. When I was younger, I was a personal trainer. It was one of my first career choices. I was not certified early on in my career. I only got certified later on, when I was personal training privately and needed to get insurance and all that stuff, anyway. So I learned for what I needed to do in the world of personal training and physical fitness.
When I was a vocalist, I had to learn what I needed to in order to be able to entertain an audience, be smart about it, make sure that I was doing it right. That was that part of my career, but I had to learn everything that I needed to, no matter what it was, if it was being a vocalist, if it was being a personal trainer with my own business. As an entrepreneur, I was always having to market myself and I’m very lucky that when I went to college I got a degree in marketing management, because no matter what career you’re in, every business is going to have to market itself. Just a fact I always thought that I would have a lot from marketing and the visuals of. I understood that. You really have to understand that you have a second to get somebody’s attention and you have seven times before you actually get someone’s attention. Studies have shown Okay, so somebody has to see an ad about seven times before register and they can have a recall of what company that was what the message was about. So, anyway, visuals are very important, so words are incredibly important, but before people are going to see words, they’re going to see your picture, because a picture is worth a thousand words.
So this was the missing piece of the puzzle. No matter what I create if it’s coloring books, if it’s journals, if it’s blog posts or anything, I’m going to need those visuals. So until I understood the importance of mid-journey and again now that’s the one that’s very popular right now that I’m grabbing onto mid-journey is the way to go until I realize the importance of that boy. My words were just kind of out there with everybody else, but it seems like people are going to start to learn more and more about it. But specifically my niche, I would love to be a best