17 Tribe Vibes: Energize and Be You!

Tribe Vibes Butterfly

Podcast Description:

Are you hungry to find your tribe, but not sure how to do it? We’ve got your back! This episode is a goldmine of practical tips and meaningful insights on how to attract your tribe through the power of energy and authenticity. We explore how your vibe serenely acts as a magnet for like-minded individuals and talk about the significance of being genuine. From the power of a smile to pursuing your interests, we discuss all that it takes to create a positive environment and attract your tribe.

We dabble into the world of online platforms offering practical tips on community building, highlighting the bounties of Meetup.com and Evite in organizing events. Besides, we touch on the idea of joining online communities on Facebook and LinkedIn, stressing on the importance of volunteering and creating your own content to establish a presence. Gratitude, support, understanding limitations – we unpack it all! So, buckle up for an enlightening rollercoaster ride of energy, authenticity, and community building. Tune in to experience the joy of finding your tribe!

Podcast Transcript:


Hi everybody and thaVickieHost00:01

Hi everybody and thank you for joining me today. I’m excited that you’re here. I am really passionate about this topic. Your vibe attracts your. Your vibe attracts your. Hey everybody, I am really excited that you’re here with me today. I am super excited about the topic. Your tribe attracts your vibe and it really means that if you exude positive energy and you want like-minded people to come to you, then you need to attract those people with the energy that you create Garbage in, garbage out and if you want to have a good life and you want to have good things happen to you, you need to be surrounded by positive people and this can happen Now.


I put out there a TikTok video this morning, right after I was finished with the gym, and it was just my thoughts for the morning and I wanted to share that. It’s important to know that your vibe is going to attract your tribe. Okay, it doesn’t just happen. People will come to you if you truly believe in yourself. Okay, that’s number one. If you have to, you have to be authentic. If you want to go out there and be a phony baloney, you might attract people in the beginning, but then they won’t stick around because they’re going to see your true self. So if you really are happy and grateful to see people, then just keep that positive energy. A smile goes a long way. You don’t even have to say anything. But if you’re really authentic and you’re happy to be here, like I am happy to be here with you, I’m happy that you joined me today for the podcast and also for the YouTube video for this episode. I just put this together quickly. I’m not even going by a script. I really want to be as authentic as I can about this topic because this is so true to who I am and what I believe in.


I believe that you portray yourself in aura. It’s not just your physical being, your earth suit, if you will, the body that you were given at birth but you have energy. You can feel certain people walking in a room and I hope that people feel my energy. When I come into the gym with my crutches, which are here next to me, I put them out of the way so that they’re not distracting in the video, but they’re always with me. So when I go to the gym pretty early in the morning, I’m going to be the only one that you’re going to see walking in on those crutches, and I hope that that may not be forever. I hope that I inspire people who have many mobile challenges to just stretch their limits and push the envelope, to try something new. But it has to be authentic to who you are, and this is I want to inspire people, so that’s who I am.


I try to be authentic and share my energy with people at that early early hour in the morning, which is pretty rare. If I ask somebody how they are at the gym nine times out of 10, they’ll say I’m tired or I couldn’t get up or I still passed my alarm. It’s just something that people say and they feel they can connect with you about, because it’s a pretty common thing. But I don’t really have that Pretty happy to get up and out in the morning, and it’s who I am. So the first thing that you want to do, if you want to attract a tribe or if you just want to be part of a tribe that already exists just be authentic and be real, okay.


Number two is pursue your interests. So one way that you can really be authentic is by doing something that you’re very passionate about. Very passionate about exercise, making myself stronger and a little better every day Okay, it’s why I’m the certified personal trainer and I will always keep that certification up because it’s who I am. So even if I’m not training somebody, I’m still a personal trainer and I’m always training myself and I always know the best way to work around my challenges. Okay, and that’s who I am. So I don’t want it to be the only thing that I’m about, so I make sure that I present this helpful information to you so that you can know what else I’m about besides just personal training or fitness or exercise. I don’t want you to only think that about me. You may look at me and see that I’m still in my gym attire, but it’s who I am and I’m always happy to share any information you wanna know. But I really wanna inspire and help people be the best version of themselves, and that is going to be by helping your mind. And you wanna be positive and attract more positive people in your life. Unless you’re Satan, I don’t know what else you could want. Everybody wants to be happy. Everybody wants things to come easily to them, manifest their reality, but if that’s gonna happen, you gotta have a lot of positive vibes, okay, and you wanna attract your tribe to help support you do that. So, number three another way to attract your tribe is to attend events and meetings.


Now we went through the pandemic in 2020 to 2023, you know kind of the beginning of it, but it was still there and I have to say honestly, it still is. You know, I’m a little bit more aware of the proximity I’m in with another person, how close I am next to somebody and when they’re talking to me face to face. There’s one person in particular I’m thinking of at the gym who he’s just attracted to my vibe and he likes to tell me about his retirement that’s coming up and you know I’m happy to hear it, but just not right here, you know. So we have to be cognizant and aware of personal space when you’re attending a meeting, when you’re attending an event. Now the fall is coming, winter soon after, we’re not gonna be in the summer anymore. We have everything off. I’m in a short sleeve or sleeveless shirt and there’s no masks indoors Rarely, I see that the case anymore. But it’s gonna happen. You know people are gonna be closer, gonna be indoors, less circulating air, so there’s going to be germs. People always get sick in the winter, right In the cold months. So we know that’s gonna happen. So if we’re going into that time, if there’s anybody listening with an autoimmune disease like myself, ms, or just don’t wanna get sick and get their family sick, think about that.


When you attend an event and a meeting or a meeting, make sure you’re aware of the space between you and another person. That’s very important, okay, I think that we can keep each other safe and still create and attract our vibe, our tribe, by doing that. So you can definitely go out there and go to meetings and events Fun stuff. If you know about a website meetupcom great Then I hope you use it. If you don’t, meetupcom is a great place to meet people locally who have similar interests. I belong to a group that has membership with meetupcom, so we get all of our member meetings in a private group. It’s part of our membership fee on Meetup. So we have it’s a club there’s a club of moms that live in my town and they post meetings. Not well, we have meetings but we have get-togethers Excuse me for just the moms, just the kids. It could be both, but it’s a great place to start. If you don’t know in your community where you might wanna meet up with somebody, you can even start your own community on Meetup. Okay, there was a fee for it, but what I’ve used also is evite and there’s a free membership with evite. It’s kind of limited and you have to copy your events because otherwise you’ll have to create your event all from scratch the next time, including all of your invites, invitees, the people that you invite to your meetings or just get-togethers once a week. You just have to think of that so you get what you pay for. I mean, evite is a great way to start.


How I started my fitness group, ladies who Lift it was just something on a whim. I was like I wanna meet more like-minded people. I wanna meet more ladies coming with me in the morning Can’t talk to anybody, we don’t know each other’s names. We see each other, we usually in our jams, in our earphones and we don’t really think to approach anybody. I created a whole community of friends now at the gym and I see that they all talk to each other and they’re more friendly with each other. We go for once a month we have breakfast. It was at Pandera. I’m going to do that again in the fall, but for the summer I’ve had people come to my house and we had it out here on my deck or inside, and it was wonderful because I had a chance to become better and start creating workshops and presentations that I wanna do.


You know, I wanna be a motivational speaker and I guess I am Not that I wanna be, I am Right, but it didn’t just happen. I attracted that to come to me by having this vibe that I post, that I present out to the world. Okay, this is something that I love, very passionate about, not lying, this is me. Okay, I’m pretty high. Energy crutches are not hard to catch me on a bad day. Okay, we all have them. Maybe that’s just why I don’t, because how do I know that the next person’s day is not worse than mine? Right, there’s somebody out there with one. So, anyway, the other thing that I wanna say is number four.


You can also join online communities, and I will say a great place for this to start is Facebook. If you’re on Facebook, there’s also Instagram. Linkedin has more professional kind of communities if you wanna build your brand, like who you are. There is every kind of expert in the world on LinkedIn and you can see their presentations. You can post your own presentations and solidify your brand and you can be part of a community, many of which are on LinkedIn, facebook. There’s local communities, so I belong to my hometown’s community in my town, where I search for things where people are, no matter if they’re a man or a woman, parent or not. They post things that are going on in Wayne or something that happened. There’s one of it. So it’s a great way to get started. Instagram as well. Make sure you use your hashtags and TikTok, I guess, as well. Anything where you can do a search, you can find people that are like you. Okay, and I wish you luck on a Friday, because it’s not really not that hard. Okay, if you try and you say persistent, consistent, you can do it.


The fifth thing that I wanna mention is you can also volunteer. It could be a club that you belong to that might need a little help getting off the ground. I don’t get paid for any of this. I don’t have advertisers. I don’t really have sponsors. Now, that’s not to say that at some point in the future I won’t, but I’m more interested in building a community and building a presence that I don’t really have the time for the advertisement to create that kind of stuff. I’d rather create my own content and my own workshops and presentations and stuff. So enjoy this for now, those sponsorships so far.


But you can just volunteer, as I am now. You can do your own podcast. You can find places that won’t charge you for a certain amount of hosting I believe Buzzsprout the last time I checked didn’t but you can always look to see online where you can have a free blog. You can use Blogger or WordPress. You can do podcasting and you can meet other people. I have already and this is a fantastic way to do it. But you can always volunteer.


I’ll give you another example. My son is a Cub Scout and I know that some of the communications Throughout the year were a little lacking on my part and I didn’t know where things were, what times they were, because I everybody thought that it was going to come through WhatsApp. Then I found out I wasn’t on WhatsApp and I didn’t know that’s where the communications were. It was a little difficult for me in the beginning, so I decided that I would volunteer my services to be To help with communications for this coming year and now I’m on the committee. We’re having our first meeting on Sunday. I’m really excited about that because it’s going to benefit my son and it’s also going to benefit me, because I’m going to have a little bit better knowledge of what’s going on for these Cub Scouts.


And you know you can totally do that. Think about what your life is. What kind of things do you do? Do you go to church? Do you go to temple Mass? Whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter. There’s always something that you can do to show your service to your community, and then I believe that you really should be a part of the greater good, not just in it for you.


Okay, and Make sure that number six, you are open and approachable. If you want to go through the world like this, that’s exactly how people are going to think of you and they’re not going to want to approach you. You’re really not going to get much in life. So it’s always good to be open and approachable. I’m not saying be super outgoing Like myself. So my son is. My son is turning into a little me. I don’t know how that happened yet, right, yeah, and you know I just want to be open and and just I’ll tell you that the cheapest way to do that watch ready. Oh, you gotta do, just gotta smile.


And someone came up to me at the gym this morning and he was talking to me. Only after I smiled he said thank you for showing me that it’s okay to come and talk to you because, you know, sometimes people don’t know if they should approach you. Now I’m pretty into my ground. I’m at the gym and getting down gritty on heavy lift and I’m just smile. I was like, yeah, I see you. You know, so if you just have one of these, it doesn’t cost anything. Game really doesn’t and makes people’s day. When I left the gym, he approached me and started to tell me about some good news that he heard about his health, that I was Real happy about that. I was kind of making my way to the car but I had offered a smile, you know. So you, you know, you just know that I didn’t feel that he in any way was stopping me from getting to my destination. It’s just something that you have to think of. When somebody’s walking with crutches, maybe walk alongside him. That might help them get to their destination quicker. And One thing that you can do is Network through your do, your friends.


So if that’s something for you, I Don’t really need to network at this point in my life, but it is an option if you’re a networker. I know somebody that I’ve been in touch with a long time, even when I was an online marketing specialist and I was doing marketing as my background originally was what I went to school for. You know you, you can be a networker. He had lots of LinkedIn groups and he was always having some kind of Interview, workshop or something that’s and he still does it, and that’s what I know of him as so. He branded himself pretty well Super sharp, and that’s what I think of him, as that’s the vibes that he attracts. I can’t say that it’s something that I want to do. I don’t really need interviewing on my list of things to learn more about the manifestation and drawing positive energy to yourself. That’s where I want to be, as I can share that with people, but not really interviewing for a job. But everybody has their own thing and that was a super way for him to do it. So he used LinkedIn to do that networking and he had a lot of friends on LinkedIn. If you don’t use LinkedIn, you can network through your own friends and just do it that way.


And this leads me to number eight sharing your knowledge. It’s something that I truly, truly believe in. I don’t think that we should hold everything to ourselves. What’s the point? I’m going to start the ground today. Tomorrow I’m going to still be on the side of the ground, but you get my point. You want to make sure that you share your knowledge because we make each other better. The world becomes a better place, and that’s just something. That’s a fact. I believe it always has been, and you have a lot to share. It could be your knowledge about being your parent. It could be something that you learned in the neighborhood, some place, some new place to try out. Whatever it is, you know you can share your knowledge. Don’t hold onto it Now. It does not mean become an expert and offer your knowledge where it’s not needed. You know you assume that somebody needs your help.


This was something that I learned when I was a trainer at Gold’s Gym many years ago. When we were getting trained by the management, it was important for them to let us know that not everybody wants to get knowledge about how to exercise. We were supposed to approach them to see if they wanted services as a personal trainer, so your need was to show them that you knew stuff, but don’t go over and correct somebody that they’re doing wrong, because you don’t really know why they’re doing something in a particular way. For example, I’m at the gym and I’m doing a row. You know, like this, my right arm is a little weaker than my left one, and so I don’t want my right arm to Go less. I wanted to know that it’s gonna get there the same as the left side Someday. So I assist with my right and I go down more. On the on the right I say no, right. I assist with the left on the way up and then the eccentric on the way down. I Let it go with my right arm. So that’s my reason.


But one thing that I did like was that when somebody mentioned it to me that they saw that I was exercising a little differently than what he does doing the same row, he said is there a reason that you’re doing it that way? And I Took that to heart because I learned that as a trainer you don’t just come in and share your knowledge where it’s not warranted or necessary and you don’t know why somebody’s doing it that way. So I told them that the reason is because I’m assisting myself, but I want my right arm to know that it’s got to listen to that left one, so someday it’s going to be equal. That’s what we’re training on. Okay, so he got it. You know, and I also fatigue wise I can’t be Switching the the the pin on the weights every time I need to change the weight. It doesn’t, doesn’t make sense. I get fatigue more, so I assist and then I let go, and that’s my Method of working out.


So when you want to share your knowledge, don’t go to correct people and make it like you’re the expert, without thinking of why they’re doing it, certainly, or think that they don’t have the knowledge to do it if they’re not doing something. Just just know that it’s important to Share your knowledge for the betterment of everybody, but not to be little people or make anybody feel that they’re just not worthy, because the truth is you are completely worthy and you have every right to be here and you’re very deserving. Okay, I want you to know that and I thank you for listening. We’re almost done. We’re running through our Tips. So this is number nine and this I love this one Be supportive.


If you want to attract a tribe and you want to get more like-minded people, you have to be supportive if you are not going to support people and you’re just going to be there to take up space and Meg, and if you want to talk smack about people and you just think that it’s funny to gossip Not helpful, not helpful to anybody, because then what people think is that you’re probably doing the same thing to them. When they’re leaving, they turn around on their heel, walk out the door. Who you’re gonna be talking about? Right? They probably think it’s them and they’re probably right. So just be aware of being supportive. It’s important to support people. So I Make sure that when I have my group right, that I created my fitness group I’m always letting people know what the next date is.


I was using what’s app Not working so well because not everybody is on what’s app or they don’t have their notifications turned on. So you can necessarily know that just because somebody has something that they’re going to be using, especially an app, what’s app not everybody’s on Facebook. I tried a Facebook group not everybody’s on Facebook you would think like right, but it’s not. You’ve got Facebook. You’ve got emails emails more than likely people have, but sometimes things go into a joke folder and you don’t necessarily know that’s somebody ready. So just remember that it’s important to to support people and if your way of supporting them is to sharing communications, just know that you need a tool that’s gonna allow you to be supportive. If, if you’re having a club where you have mom’s meeting, think to be supportive if your venue or if your home is Handicap accessible, because you never know who’s got a need right. Namely so, and you can, you can always ask People what their needs are, especially if it’s a dietary need. You can always ask and be supportive.


There was, there are, two friends of Sean’s that are Insulin, insul, independent diabetics and they are below the age of nine. And Also there is someone with a severe nut allergy. So be supportive, you know. If you’ve never, if you don’t know enough to Create something for them to meet, for your tribe to come together, just ask. There was also A woman in my group the ladies who lived who Could not be in the Sun because she has a history of skin cancer in her family. She just won’t. So even though I have this lovely deck On my, my property, but I was gonna have it outside. Wasn’t something that she was thinking of of doing? She likes her Panera, she likes inside and I totally get it. So that’s why I’m doing this, just because I’m a, why I’m doing this just for the summer, my ladies who live, and it’s always a supportive group I am very happy to do that and create this like-minded space where we can all share. So Just be supportive of people and be mindful of any kind of limitation, whether it’s a communication issue or it’s a physical limitation, actually getting to somewhere. Okay. So and Lastly, you want to keep those positive vibes going.


I’m telling you people, I cannot tell you enough how important having gratitude is in your life. It’s gonna change and rock your world. I really didn’t get into the practice of mindfulness and practicing gratitude. When I get up every morning before I go to bed, and even in the daytime, okay, it’s so important because your mind is going, going 100 miles an hour, going places. You’re going in the car, going somewhere. You come home, you try to get something to eat. You’re always in motion, but when you stop and you think about all the things you have to be grateful for in this world there’s a lot, and if you don’t have an idea of where to start on gratitude, then I guess you have to listen to my podcast. I’m going to actually be recording a new video and a new podcast on gratitude just because I think it’s so important and I’ve been learning a lot more about my process for manifestation and I created a workshop and bring it to a local library very soon and I want to support my community by sharing valuable information.


One of those things that has grown, that I’ve grown from it and learned about more, is the practice of gratitude, why it’s so important. All of the studies that have taken place around gratitude, especially with children and with people who have real depression and suicidal how positive mindset can really turn things around is incredible. So if you want to have positive vibes, one place you really need to think about is gratitude and having it practice. Just three things in the morning that you’re grateful for. Let me think about it in terms of you.


What are you grateful for? For you, you could be grateful for my thumb, because it helps me make. The number one, and you’ve got what I meant. That’s communication. Number two the environment and what’s out there. You can be grateful for anything. It could be a tree, the sky, a little tiny creature. Number three it could be something that you have, that’s a possession. I have this iPhone. I’ve got this new lavalier. How nice sounded, by the way. I checked it out before I recorded. But I think it sounds a lot better than the hollow on-camera microphone, on-phone microphone, so I wanted to make sure that I included that today with today’s presentation for you.


This is going to be sitting on YouTube. It is also going to be sitting on all of the major podcast platforms, including iTunes, spotify, Audible, all the big ones and even the little ones too, but it’s going to be out there. This one is going up in a couple weeks because I haven’t scheduled out, but I’m really grateful that you are here and I hope that my TikTok video spreads a good, positive vibe out there, because your vibe attracts your tribe, your vibe is your tribe. Tu vidra atraí a tu Dribble. I’m so beat from this. Alright, anyway, as you can see, it’s one of my themes Cognitively is after I’m rolling for a while, I start to slow down. So we’re gonna say over and out for today and I hope you like this podcast, I hope you like the YouTube video and I hope you learned something today about maybe attracting more people and more positive vibes into your life. Okay, have a great day.

nk you for joining me today. I’m excited that you’re here. I am really passionate about this topic. Your vibe attracts your. Your vibe attracts your. Hey everybody, I am really excited that you’re here with me today. I am super excited about the topic. Your tribe attracts your vibe and it really means that if you exude positive energy and you want like-minded people to come to you, then you need to attract those people with the energy that you create Garbage in, garbage out and if you want to have a good life and you want to have good things happen to you, you need to be surrounded by positive people and this can happen Now.


I put out there a TikTok video this morning, right after I was finished with the gym, and it was just my thoughts for the morning and I wanted to share that. It’s important to know that your vibe is going to attract your tribe. Okay, it doesn’t just happen. People will come to you if you truly believe in yourself. Okay, that’s number one. If you have to, you have to be authentic. If you want to go out there and be a phony baloney, you might attract people in the beginning, but then they won’t stick around because they’re going to see your true self. So if you really are happy and grateful to see people, then just keep that positive energy. A smile goes a long way. You don’t even have to say anything. But if you’re really authentic and you’re happy to be here, like I am happy to be here with you, I’m happy that you joined me today for the podcast and also for the YouTube video for this episode. I just put this together quickly. I’m not even going by a script. I really want to be as authentic as I can about this topic because this is so true to who I am and what I believe in.


I believe that you portray yourself in aura. It’s not just your physical being, your earth suit, if you will, the body that you were given at birth but you have energy. You can feel certain people walking in a room and I hope that people feel my energy. When I come into the gym with my crutches, which are here next to me, I put them out of the way so that they’re not distracting in the video, but they’re always with me. So when I go to the gym pretty early in the morning, I’m going to be the only one that you’re going to see walking in on those crutches, and I hope that that may not be forever. I hope that I inspire people who have many mobile challenges to just stretch their limits and push the envelope, to try something new. But it has to be authentic to who you are, and this is I want to inspire people, so that’s who I am.


I try to be authentic and share my energy with people at that early early hour in the morning, which is pretty rare. If I ask somebody how they are at the gym nine times out of 10, they’ll say I’m tired or I couldn’t get up or I still passed my alarm. It’s just something that people say and they feel they can connect with you about, because it’s a pretty common thing. But I don’t really have that Pretty happy to get up and out in the morning, and it’s who I am. So the first thing that you want to do, if you want to attract a tribe or if you just want to be part of a tribe that already exists just be authentic and be real, okay.


Number two is pursue your interests. So one way that you can really be authentic is by doing something that you’re very passionate about. Very passionate about exercise, making myself stronger and a little better every day Okay, it’s why I’m the certified personal trainer and I will always keep that certification up because it’s who I am. So even if I’m not training somebody, I’m still a personal trainer and I’m always training myself and I always know the best way to work around my challenges. Okay, and that’s who I am. So I don’t want it to be the only thing that I’m about, so I make sure that I present this helpful information to you so that you can know what else I’m about besides just personal training or fitness or exercise. I don’t want you to only think that about me. You may look at me and see that I’m still in my gym attire, but it’s who I am and I’m always happy to share any information you wanna know. But I really wanna inspire and help people be the best version of themselves, and that is going to be by helping your mind. And you wanna be positive and attract more positive people in your life. Unless you’re Satan, I don’t know what else you could want. Everybody wants to be happy. Everybody wants things to come easily to them, manifest their reality, but if that’s gonna happen, you gotta have a lot of positive vibes, okay, and you wanna attract your tribe to help support you do that. So, number three another way to attract your tribe is to attend events and meetings.


Now we went through the pandemic in 2020 to 2023, you know kind of the beginning of it, but it was still there and I have to say honestly, it still is. You know, I’m a little bit more aware of the proximity I’m in with another person, how close I am next to somebody and when they’re talking to me face to face. There’s one person in particular I’m thinking of at the gym who he’s just attracted to my vibe and he likes to tell me about his retirement that’s coming up and you know I’m happy to hear it, but just not right here, you know. So we have to be cognizant and aware of personal space when you’re attending a meeting, when you’re attending an event. Now the fall is coming, winter soon after, we’re not gonna be in the summer anymore. We have everything off. I’m in a short sleeve or sleeveless shirt and there’s no masks indoors Rarely, I see that the case anymore. But it’s gonna happen. You know people are gonna be closer, gonna be indoors, less circulating air, so there’s going to be germs. People always get sick in the winter, right In the cold months. So we know that’s gonna happen. So if we’re going into that time, if there’s anybody listening with an autoimmune disease like myself, ms, or just don’t wanna get sick and get their family sick, think about that.


When you attend an event and a meeting or a meeting, make sure you’re aware of the space between you and another person. That’s very important, okay, I think that we can keep each other safe and still create and attract our vibe, our tribe, by doing that. So you can definitely go out there and go to meetings and events Fun stuff. If you know about a website meetupcom great Then I hope you use it. If you don’t, meetupcom is a great place to meet people locally who have similar interests. I belong to a group that has membership with meetupcom, so we get all of our member meetings in a private group. It’s part of our membership fee on Meetup. So we have it’s a club there’s a club of moms that live in my town and they post meetings. Not well, we have meetings but we have get-togethers Excuse me for just the moms, just the kids. It could be both, but it’s a great place to start. If you don’t know in your community where you might wanna meet up with somebody, you can even start your own community on Meetup. Okay, there was a fee for it, but what I’ve used also is evite and there’s a free membership with evite. It’s kind of limited and you have to copy your events because otherwise you’ll have to create your event all from scratch the next time, including all of your invites, invitees, the people that you invite to your meetings or just get-togethers once a week. You just have to think of that so you get what you pay for. I mean, evite is a great way to start.


How I started my fitness group, ladies who Lift it was just something on a whim. I was like I wanna meet more like-minded people. I wanna meet more ladies coming with me in the morning Can’t talk to anybody, we don’t know each other’s names. We see each other, we usually in our jams, in our earphones and we don’t really think to approach anybody. I created a whole community of friends now at the gym and I see that they all talk to each other and they’re more friendly with each other. We go for once a month we have breakfast. It was at Pandera. I’m going to do that again in the fall, but for the summer I’ve had people come to my house and we had it out here on my deck or inside, and it was wonderful because I had a chance to become better and start creating workshops and presentations that I wanna do.


You know, I wanna be a motivational speaker and I guess I am Not that I wanna be, I am Right, but it didn’t just happen. I attracted that to come to me by having this vibe that I post, that I present out to the world. Okay, this is something that I love, very passionate about, not lying, this is me. Okay, I’m pretty high. Energy crutches are not hard to catch me on a bad day. Okay, we all have them. Maybe that’s just why I don’t, because how do I know that the next person’s day is not worse than mine? Right, there’s somebody out there with one. So, anyway, the other thing that I wanna say is number four.


You can also join online communities, and I will say a great place for this to start is Facebook. If you’re on Facebook, there’s also Instagram. Linkedin has more professional kind of communities if you wanna build your brand, like who you are. There is every kind of expert in the world on LinkedIn and you can see their presentations. You can post your own presentations and solidify your brand and you can be part of a community, many of which are on LinkedIn, facebook. There’s local communities, so I belong to my hometown’s community in my town, where I search for things where people are, no matter if they’re a man or a woman, parent or not. They post things that are going on in Wayne or something that happened. There’s one of it. So it’s a great way to get started. Instagram as well. Make sure you use your hashtags and TikTok, I guess, as well. Anything where you can do a search, you can find people that are like you. Okay, and I wish you luck on a Friday, because it’s not really not that hard. Okay, if you try and you say persistent, consistent, you can do it.


The fifth thing that I wanna mention is you can also volunteer. It could be a club that you belong to that might need a little help getting off the ground. I don’t get paid for any of this. I don’t have advertisers. I don’t really have sponsors. Now, that’s not to say that at some point in the future I won’t, but I’m more interested in building a community and building a presence that I don’t really have the time for the advertisement to create that kind of stuff. I’d rather create my own content and my own workshops and presentations and stuff. So enjoy this for now, those sponsorships so far.


But you can just volunteer, as I am now. You can do your own podcast. You can find places that won’t charge you for a certain amount of hosting I believe Buzzsprout the last time I checked didn’t but you can always look to see online where you can have a free blog. You can use Blogger or WordPress. You can do podcasting and you can meet other people. I have already and this is a fantastic way to do it. But you can always volunteer.


I’ll give you another example. My son is a Cub Scout and I know that some of the communications Throughout the year were a little lacking on my part and I didn’t know where things were, what times they were, because I everybody thought that it was going to come through WhatsApp. Then I found out I wasn’t on WhatsApp and I didn’t know that’s where the communications were. It was a little difficult for me in the beginning, so I decided that I would volunteer my services to be To help with communications for this coming year and now I’m on the committee. We’re having our first meeting on Sunday. I’m really excited about that because it’s going to benefit my son and it’s also going to benefit me, because I’m going to have a little bit better knowledge of what’s going on for these Cub Scouts.


And you know you can totally do that. Think about what your life is. What kind of things do you do? Do you go to church? Do you go to temple Mass? Whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter. There’s always something that you can do to show your service to your community, and then I believe that you really should be a part of the greater good, not just in it for you.


Okay, and Make sure that number six, you are open and approachable. If you want to go through the world like this, that’s exactly how people are going to think of you and they’re not going to want to approach you. You’re really not going to get much in life. So it’s always good to be open and approachable. I’m not saying be super outgoing Like myself. So my son is. My son is turning into a little me. I don’t know how that happened yet, right, yeah, and you know I just want to be open and and just I’ll tell you that the cheapest way to do that watch ready. Oh, you gotta do, just gotta smile.


And someone came up to me at the gym this morning and he was talking to me. Only after I smiled he said thank you for showing me that it’s okay to come and talk to you because, you know, sometimes people don’t know if they should approach you. Now I’m pretty into my ground. I’m at the gym and getting down gritty on heavy lift and I’m just smile. I was like, yeah, I see you. You know, so if you just have one of these, it doesn’t cost anything. Game really doesn’t and makes people’s day. When I left the gym, he approached me and started to tell me about some good news that he heard about his health, that I was Real happy about that. I was kind of making my way to the car but I had offered a smile, you know. So you, you know, you just know that I didn’t feel that he in any way was stopping me from getting to my destination. It’s just something that you have to think of. When somebody’s walking with crutches, maybe walk alongside him. That might help them get to their destination quicker. And One thing that you can do is Network through your do, your friends.


So if that’s something for you, I Don’t really need to network at this point in my life, but it is an option if you’re a networker. I know somebody that I’ve been in touch with a long time, even when I was an online marketing specialist and I was doing marketing as my background originally was what I went to school for. You know you, you can be a networker. He had lots of LinkedIn groups and he was always having some kind of Interview, workshop or something that’s and he still does it, and that’s what I know of him as so. He branded himself pretty well Super sharp, and that’s what I think of him, as that’s the vibes that he attracts. I can’t say that it’s something that I want to do. I don’t really need interviewing on my list of things to learn more about the manifestation and drawing positive energy to yourself. That’s where I want to be, as I can share that with people, but not really interviewing for a job. But everybody has their own thing and that was a super way for him to do it. So he used LinkedIn to do that networking and he had a lot of friends on LinkedIn. If you don’t use LinkedIn, you can network through your own friends and just do it that way.


And this leads me to number eight sharing your knowledge. It’s something that I truly, truly believe in. I don’t think that we should hold everything to ourselves. What’s the point? I’m going to start the ground today. Tomorrow I’m going to still be on the side of the ground, but you get my point. You want to make sure that you share your knowledge because we make each other better. The world becomes a better place, and that’s just something. That’s a fact. I believe it always has been, and you have a lot to share. It could be your knowledge about being your parent. It could be something that you learned in the neighborhood, some place, some new place to try out. Whatever it is, you know you can share your knowledge. Don’t hold onto it Now. It does not mean become an expert and offer your knowledge where it’s not needed. You know you assume that somebody needs your help.


This was something that I learned when I was a trainer at Gold’s Gym many years ago. When we were getting trained by the management, it was important for them to let us know that not everybody wants to get knowledge about how to exercise. We were supposed to approach them to see if they wanted services as a personal trainer, so your need was to show them that you knew stuff, but don’t go over and correct somebody that they’re doing wrong, because you don’t really know why they’re doing something in a particular way. For example, I’m at the gym and I’m doing a row. You know, like this, my right arm is a little weaker than my left one, and so I don’t want my right arm to Go less. I wanted to know that it’s gonna get there the same as the left side Someday. So I assist with my right and I go down more. On the on the right I say no, right. I assist with the left on the way up and then the eccentric on the way down. I Let it go with my right arm. So that’s my reason.


But one thing that I did like was that when somebody mentioned it to me that they saw that I was exercising a little differently than what he does doing the same row, he said is there a reason that you’re doing it that way? And I Took that to heart because I learned that as a trainer you don’t just come in and share your knowledge where it’s not warranted or necessary and you don’t know why somebody’s doing it that way. So I told them that the reason is because I’m assisting myself, but I want my right arm to know that it’s got to listen to that left one, so someday it’s going to be equal. That’s what we’re training on. Okay, so he got it. You know, and I also fatigue wise I can’t be Switching the the the pin on the weights every time I need to change the weight. It doesn’t, doesn’t make sense. I get fatigue more, so I assist and then I let go, and that’s my Method of working out.


So when you want to share your knowledge, don’t go to correct people and make it like you’re the expert, without thinking of why they’re doing it, certainly, or think that they don’t have the knowledge to do it if they’re not doing something. Just just know that it’s important to Share your knowledge for the betterment of everybody, but not to be little people or make anybody feel that they’re just not worthy, because the truth is you are completely worthy and you have every right to be here and you’re very deserving. Okay, I want you to know that and I thank you for listening. We’re almost done. We’re running through our Tips. So this is number nine and this I love this one Be supportive.


If you want to attract a tribe and you want to get more like-minded people, you have to be supportive if you are not going to support people and you’re just going to be there to take up space and Meg, and if you want to talk smack about people and you just think that it’s funny to gossip Not helpful, not helpful to anybody, because then what people think is that you’re probably doing the same thing to them. When they’re leaving, they turn around on their heel, walk out the door. Who you’re gonna be talking about? Right? They probably think it’s them and they’re probably right. So just be aware of being supportive. It’s important to support people. So I Make sure that when I have my group right, that I created my fitness group I’m always letting people know what the next date is.


I was using what’s app Not working so well because not everybody is on what’s app or they don’t have their notifications turned on. So you can necessarily know that just because somebody has something that they’re going to be using, especially an app, what’s app not everybody’s on Facebook. I tried a Facebook group not everybody’s on Facebook you would think like right, but it’s not. You’ve got Facebook. You’ve got emails emails more than likely people have, but sometimes things go into a joke folder and you don’t necessarily know that’s somebody ready. So just remember that it’s important to to support people and if your way of supporting them is to sharing communications, just know that you need a tool that’s gonna allow you to be supportive. If, if you’re having a club where you have mom’s meeting, think to be supportive if your venue or if your home is Handicap accessible, because you never know who’s got a need right. Namely so, and you can, you can always ask People what their needs are, especially if it’s a dietary need. You can always ask and be supportive.


There was, there are, two friends of Sean’s that are Insulin, insul, independent diabetics and they are below the age of nine. And Also there is someone with a severe nut allergy. So be supportive, you know. If you’ve never, if you don’t know enough to Create something for them to meet, for your tribe to come together, just ask. There was also A woman in my group the ladies who lived who Could not be in the Sun because she has a history of skin cancer in her family. She just won’t. So even though I have this lovely deck On my, my property, but I was gonna have it outside. Wasn’t something that she was thinking of of doing? She likes her Panera, she likes inside and I totally get it. So that’s why I’m doing this, just because I’m a, why I’m doing this just for the summer, my ladies who live, and it’s always a supportive group I am very happy to do that and create this like-minded space where we can all share. So Just be supportive of people and be mindful of any kind of limitation, whether it’s a communication issue or it’s a physical limitation, actually getting to somewhere. Okay. So and Lastly, you want to keep those positive vibes going.


I’m telling you people, I cannot tell you enough how important having gratitude is in your life. It’s gonna change and rock your world. I really didn’t get into the practice of mindfulness and practicing gratitude. When I get up every morning before I go to bed, and even in the daytime, okay, it’s so important because your mind is going, going 100 miles an hour, going places. You’re going in the car, going somewhere. You come home, you try to get something to eat. You’re always in motion, but when you stop and you think about all the things you have to be grateful for in this world there’s a lot, and if you don’t have an idea of where to start on gratitude, then I guess you have to listen to my podcast. I’m going to actually be recording a new video and a new podcast on gratitude just because I think it’s so important and I’ve been learning a lot more about my process for manifestation and I created a workshop and bring it to a local library very soon and I want to support my community by sharing valuable information.


One of those things that has grown, that I’ve grown from it and learned about more, is the practice of gratitude, why it’s so important. All of the studies that have taken place around gratitude, especially with children and with people who have real depression and suicidal how positive mindset can really turn things around is incredible. So if you want to have positive vibes, one place you really need to think about is gratitude and having it practice. Just three things in the morning that you’re grateful for. Let me think about it in terms of you.


What are you grateful for? For you, you could be grateful for my thumb, because it helps me make. The number one, and you’ve got what I meant. That’s communication. Number two the environment and what’s out there. You can be grateful for anything. It could be a tree, the sky, a little tiny creature. Number three it could be something that you have, that’s a possession. I have this iPhone. I’ve got this new lavalier. How nice sounded, by the way. I checked it out before I recorded. But I think it sounds a lot better than the hollow on-camera microphone, on-phone microphone, so I wanted to make sure that I included that today with today’s presentation for you.


This is going to be sitting on YouTube. It is also going to be sitting on all of the major podcast platforms, including iTunes, spotify, Audible, all the big ones and even the little ones too, but it’s going to be out there. This one is going up in a couple weeks because I haven’t scheduled out, but I’m really grateful that you are here and I hope that my TikTok video spreads a good, positive vibe out there, because your vibe attracts your tribe, your vibe is your tribe. Tu vidra atraí a tu Dribble. I’m so beat from this. Alright, anyway, as you can see, it’s one of my themes Cognitively is after I’m rolling for a while, I start to slow down. So we’re gonna say over and out for today and I hope you like this podcast, I hope you like the YouTube video and I hope you learned something today about maybe attracting more people and more positive vibes into your life. Okay, have a great day.

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